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牛津上海版高二上学期英语module3教案范文:The world of science



教案是教师对新一课时讲授的整体设计,这样能够有效提高教学效率,因此威廉希尔app 为大家提供了高二上学期英语module3教案范文,希望对老师有所帮助。

Reading The perfect copy learning paper

Step 1 Reading 1. fast reading

Scan the passage and the two letters, and get the answers to the questions of Part A.

2. detailed reading

(1) read the passage and the two letters, and find out the main idea of each paragraph.

Para 1: Scientists have announced that , which .

Para 2: The of cloning and some information of the first cloned sheep as well as people’s toward it.

Para 3: Ian Wilmut thinks the Para 4: Human cloning, for Faye Wilson, is .

Para 5: Some scientists are already . Para 6: Chinese scientists’

Letters: The two letters are readers’ human cloning while Colin Jake is (2) read the passage and letters again and find the reasons why people are for or against human cloning. Write them in the table of Part C2 on Page 44.

Step 2 Language points

Part 1 The perfect copy (Page 42)

1. debate (1) cn/un 辩论;争论,讨论 ~(on/ about/ over sth) cause a 引起对克隆的激烈的热烈的广泛的讨论 under debate 在辩论中

There has been much 人们对儿童保育问题议论纷纷。 (2)v 讨论,辩论

debate the bill 讨论这个议案

The question of . 关于宇宙起源问题,科学家们仍进行着激烈辩论。

2. round the world 全世界范围内

同义短语有:all over the world; in the world ; across the world; throughout the world; in every part/corner of the world等

3. on (the) one hand, on the other hand 一方面??;另一方面??

注意:单独使用on the other hand时,hand不能省略,但与on (the) one hand连用时,可省略 On one hand, rapid development of the economy will improve the living conditions of the people. On the other hand, it will speed up environmental destruction.




at hand __________ by hand__________ in hand___________ hand in hand___________ Hands off! _______ Hands up! _______ a green hand ______ left-handed____________ hand in__________ hand over ________ hand out__________ hand down ____________ from hand to hand ____________________ live from hand to mouth _____________________

4. point out 指出


point to/point at 指着,指向某人或某物

“Can’t you read by yourself?” she said ____________ to the notice.

A. angrily pointing B. angrily pointed C. pointed angrily D. to point angrily

point at 对准,瞄准 = aim at They pointed (a gun ) at her head but she was not scared. point of view __________

to the point ____________

off the point ______________

be on the point of …when …._________________ There’s no point (in) doing _______________ take your point __________________

You’ve got a point. _____________________

make a point of __________________________________

5. toy with : consider sth not seriously / play with without thinking (1) 把??当儿戏 (2) 玩耍,戏弄 我的确稍稍有过辞职的念头。

I . 他一直在摆弄钢笔。

He 6. on one’s /the way to doing sth 正在??过程中 ;即将 同义短语:be on the point of doing / close to doing sth

你们即将成为大学生。 You’re 我就快把报告写好了。 I am well

更多的变化就要发生了。 I’ve just heard a warning _________ the radio that a storm may be ________ its way. A. on, on B. over, in C. on, above D. from, on

on one’s (the) way to ____________ by the way ____________ by way of________________ in a way ______________________ in this way ____________ in one’s (the) way _________ in no way __________________ lose one’s way _____________ way of life/ living ___________ make one’s way to ___________ make way for ______________ pave the way for ____________ have a long way to go ______________________ under way _________________

push/ feel/ fight one’s way out _______________

7. in early 2003 _______________


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