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牛津译林版高二上学期英语教案范文:Unit 2 Language




Designing a booklet

Teaching Aims:

1.                   Train the students’ writing, reading and speaking abilities.

2. Get the students to talk about writing a booklet about Chinese characters.

3. Get the students to cooperate with others.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to help the students finish the tasks of writing and speaking.

Teaching Methods:

1. Reading, talking and writing to improve students’ integrating skills.

2. Individual, pair work and group work to make every student take an active part in class.

3. Discussion to help the students cooperate.

Teaching Aids:

1. The multimedia

2. The blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1  Greeting and Lead-in

Show the students a picture and answer the questions.

l                       Can you make out any of these Chinese characters?

l                       Do the Chinese characters remain the same for thousands of years?

Chinese characters are always changing!

Step 2  Fast reading

l                       Who first invented Chinese writing?

Cang Jie.

l                       When did the Chinese government introduce simplified Chinese characters?

In the 1950s.

Step 3  Careful reading

Read the passage and answer:

1. How old is the Chinese writing?

Thousands of years.

2. How did Cang Jie invent Chinese writing?

Cang Jie saw the footprints of birds and animals in the snow and he got the idea he could use different shapes or pictures to represent objects.

3. What do we call the first real Chinese characters?

We call them pictograghs, which mean line drawings of physical objects.

4. How did the character of “mountain” develop over time? Can you give any other examples?

The pictograph for a mountain was originally three peaks together. Then this became one peak and three lines and finally turned into the character we use today. There are some other examples such as ‘eye’, ‘sun’, and ‘moon’.

Step 4  Read the passage again and divide the passage into several parts, then give the main idea of each part.

Para. 1.   Brief introduction of Chinese characters.

Para. 2.   The origins of Chinese characters.

Para.3-6  Form and development of Chinese characters.

Para. 7-8  Pronunciation of Chinese characters and simplified Chinese characters

Step 5  Designing a booklet

(1) Planning

Ask students to work in small groups and discuss the Chinese characters their group would like to research. Then they should discuss the layout of the booklet, and divide the work each group member will do to collect the information needed.

(1)                Preparing

Look for information in as many sources as they can find. Then they meet, discuss and choose the information each group member has collected.

(3) Producing

Students each write a section of the booklet. They should put what they have written together and add photos or illustrations. They must proofread the draft to correct mistakes if there are any. New ideas can be added. Now the booklet is finished.


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