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外研版高二上学期英语教案范文:Module 1 Europe



教案是教师对新一课时讲授的整体设计,这样能够有效提高教学效率,因此威廉希尔app 为大家提供了高二上学期英语教案范文,希望对老师有所帮助。

Period 1 Introduction, Function

Teaching Goals

1. To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about Europe.

2. To get Ss to learn words and phrases to describe location.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Introduction

1. Ask Ss to finish the following activities in pairs.

(1) let Ss give as many European countries as they can and write the names of the countries on the blackboard.

(2) Let Ss give as many European cities as they can and write the names of the cities on the blackboard too.

(3) Match the countries with the cities.

For your reference:

Germany : Frankfurt, Essen, Bremen, Munich

France: Paris, Monaco, Lyon, Strasbourg

Italy: Rome, Naples

Britain: Glasgow, Manchester, Birmingham, London, Belfast

Poland: Warsaw, Wroclaw

2. Ask Ss to complete the table in Activity 1, make sure all Ss read the words in the box correctly.

3. Ask Ss to read the information on in Activity 2 and find out the countries on the map.

Step 2. Function

1. Ask Ss to describe the location of their home.

2. Ask Ss to describe the location of Shandong Province, using the phrases “in the east of” , “on the north of”, and “to the west of”.

For your reference:

Shandong Province is in the east of China, on the north of Jiangsu Province and to the west of Japan.

Step 3. Homework

1. Ask Ss to describe the location of the city or town they live in.

2. Ask Ss to Preview Reading and Vocabulary.

Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary

Teaching Goals:

1. To let Ss know some of the European cities.

2. To get Ss to know the famous architectures in the European cities.

3. To get Ss to learn some useful language points.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Revision

Show the whole map of Europe, let Ss point out these countries’ position such as France, Spain, Italy, Greece…


Step 2. Leading-in

1. Let Ss discuss the landmarks of each city, which they point out in the previous step and call back the answers.

2. Let Ss match up the photos with the descriptions in Activity 1 on page 2.

Step 3. Reading

1. Fast reading

Ask Ss to read the passage quickly and answer the question:

Which countries do the four cities mentioned in the passage belong to?

Suggested Answer:

Paris belongs to France.

Barcelona belongs to Spain.

Florence belongs to Italy.

Athens belongs to Greece.

2. Intensive reading

(1) Ask Ss to read the passage carefully and finish Activity 2 on page 3.

(2) Read the passage carefully and finish Activity 4.

3. Post-reading

Ask Ss to answer questions in Activity 3.


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