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苏霍姆林斯基说:“让学生变得聪明的办法,不是补课,不是增加作业量,而是阅读、阅读、再阅读。”威廉希尔app 为大家准备了高二上册英语Unit1Disneyland教案,欢迎阅读与选择!

Teaching Aims and demands

1.Revise by retelling about Disneyland.

2.Review object clauses by doing exercises.

3. Discuss the reason why Walt Disney succeed.

Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Revision

1. Check the homework exercises.

2. Revise the reading passage in SB Lesson 2. Part 1.

Step 2 Lead-in

1. Today we are going to read aloud the passage about Disney parks which Walt Disney started.

2. Write on the Bb these headlines: Disney parks in the world --- Disneyland

3. Ask the students to read the passage and make note about the Disney parks in the world.

Step 3 Listening

Listen to Lesson 3, after that please answer the questions.

1. In which year did Walt Disney open the first Disney park?

2.Where can you find all the characters from Walt Disney’ films?


1.In the year 1955.

2. All the characters from Walt Disney’s films in Disneyland.

Step 4 Reading

Please read this passage again, answer the following question.

1.How much did it cost to build Disney World?

2. What is special about many of the streets in Disneyland?

3.Where can you get a wonderful view?


1.It cost between $ 500 and $600 million to build.

2. Many of the streets are built to look lie streets in the USA in the 1890s.People walk around wearing nineteenth-century clothes.

3. The Sleeping Beauty Castle.


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