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亲爱的同学们,转眼间你们又度过了一学期,可以回家轻轻松松的享受暑假了,威廉希尔app 为大家准备了高二上册英语教案,欢迎阅读与选择!

Teaching aims

1 .Knowledge Aims

To learn the useful expressions and sentence structures in Warming up and Reading.

2. Ability Aims

To enable the students to use these language points both orally and in the written form.

3. Emotional Aims

Develop the students' sense of loving English.

Teaching Important Points

1) Learn the useful expressions and sentence structures.

2) The usage of "suggest & in addition"

Teaching Difficulties

How to let the students learn to use these phrases and sentence structures in written and oral English

Teaching Aids

CAI equipment with a mult-media classroom and other normal teaching tools.

Teaching Procedure

StepⅠ Greeting & Revision

Check the homework.

Step II. Expressions & phrases

1. know about... 了解......的情况

2.lift up 举起;抬起;提升

3.steam engine 蒸汽机

4.physical characteristic 人体的特征

5.put forward a theory about black holes 提出一个有关黑洞的理论

6. infectious disease 传染性的疾病


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