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高二下册英语A taste of English humour教案格式



社会生活的信息化和经济的全球化,使英语的重要性日益突出。威廉希尔app 为大家推荐了A taste of English humour教案格式,请大家仔细阅读,希望你喜欢。

Period 1 Reading

The General Idea of This Period

This period includes Warming up,Reading and Comprehending of Unit 3.To elicit the topic of humour,the teacher can get the students to talk about their teachers by asking what kind of teachers they like most.After the students know what they will learn in this unit,the teacher can get them to think what humour is,and then the teacher can show them some video clips,some verbal jokes,funny stories and some pictures for them to appreciate and have them tell the types of English humour,the typical representatives of each kind and if there are Chinese equivalents to types of English humour listed.

To understand this reading passage better,the students are required to scan the passage first and try to decide how many parts the reading passage can be divided into and then get the general idea of each part.After that they will read the passage carefully again to find some specific information for the questions.If time is limited,the comprehending part can be given to the students as their homework.

Teaching Important & Difficult Points

Learn what nonverbal humour is by Charlie Chaplin's career.

How to understand and enjoy English humour.

Teaching Methods

Scanning to get the general idea of the text.

Skimming to understand the passage better.

Discussion to help the students understand better what they've learned and to use the knowledge they've learned in this period.

Teaching Aids

A tape recorder;a multimedia

Three Dimensional Teaching Aims

Knowledge and Skills

Help the students learn something about some types of English and Chinese humour.

Help the students learn how to understand and enjoy English humour.

Help the students acquire the ability to use the key words and expressions concerning humour and useful sentence structures.

Process and Strategies

Help the students to use scanning and skimming methods to improve their reading skills and speed up their reading.

Enable the students to talk about English humour.

Feelings and Value

Through the study of this period the students will be able to appreciate the English humour.

Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Warming up

1.Lead in:

T:Hello,boys and girls!We have been here for more than half of a year,and you have got to know your teachers.What do you think of them or what kind of teachers you like most?

S:I think all my teachers are kind and friendly to us.They take good care of us.They are not only my teachers but also my good friends.

S:In my opinion,they are all learned and helpful,and I have learned much from them.

S:I like teachers who are open-minded,cheerful and humourous.

T:Good ideas!A humourous teacher can make the classes lively and interesting,and make you nice in class and learn well.Today we are going to learn something about humour.


T:Then what do you think humour is?Now please discuss it in groups and express your own ideas about what humour is.

S:Humour,like jokes,can make people laugh.

S:Humour is a sense.It's natural.

S:Humour is quality of being amusing;it's an ability to appreciate something comic or amusing.


T:Quite good!You have spoken out your own ideas about humour.Maybe everybody has his/her own taste of humour.Then how many kinds of humour do you know?

Ss:Verbal jokes,funny stories,etc.

T:Wonderful!You know so much about humour.Some of them are examples of English humour and some are examples of humour in China.Now let's appreciate the following,and tell what types of humour they are.

Policeman:You can't park here.

Driver:Why not?

Policeman:Read the sign.

Driver:I did.It says,"Fine for parking!"

Customer:I say waiter!There are some coins in my soup!

Waiter:Well you said you wanted some change in your meals.

Mrs Brown:Is your new home a warm one?

Mrs Black:It should be.The painter gave it two coats last month.

Ss:Verbal jokes.

Patient:Doctor,I've lost my memory.

Doctor:When did it happen?

Patient:When did what happen?

Doctor:What happened to your ears?

Man:I was ironing my shirt when the telephone rang,but instead of picking up the phone,I accidentally picked up the iron and stuck it to my ear.

Doctor:Oh Dear!But...what happened to the other ear?

Man:The scoundrel called back.

Ss:Funny stories.

Ss:They are playing cross talks.

Ss:They are playing sketches.

T:Next let's appreciate the video clips from the Mr.Bean.

Ss:Mime and farce.Mr.Bean is quite a good example of mime and farce.

T:Now let's appreciate the video clips from the film called The Gold Rush.

Ss:Nonverbal.From the film we can see that Charlie Chaplin was quite good at nonverbal humour.

T:Do you think Charlie Chaplin's eating boiled shoes funny?Why?

S:I think it is funny.It makes my mouth watering,especially when it is almost time for lunch and I am very hungry.

T:Really,and me too!But we have to come to the reading.

Step 2 Reading

T:The title of the reading is Nonverbal Humour,the purpose of it is to introduce nonverbal humour.This reading material takes Charlie Chaplin as an example.It tells us what nonverbal humour means;what's Charlie Chaplin's style of acting;how he made a sad situation entertaining and so on.

Reading task 1 General reading

T:Boys and girls,I'd like you to read the passage fast and try to decide how many parts the reading passage can be divided into and then get the general idea of each part with your partners.

A few minutes later.

T:I see most of you have finished your task.Who would like to tell how many parts the reading passage can be divided into?

S:We think there are three parts in this text.The first paragraph is the first part.From the second to the fourth paragraph is the second.

T:OK.Are there any different opinions?

S:In our opinion,the reading passage can be divided into four parts.The first part is the first paragraph.The second part is the second paragraph.The third and the fourth paragraph is the third part.And the last paragraph is the fourth part.

T:Can you tell us the main ideas of the text?

S:The first part tells us that not all humour is kind.The second part tells us that some actors can astonish us with the deep feeling they can inspire with us for a character they are playing.The third one tells us something about Charlie Chaplin's acting style.The last one is a short biography about Charlie Chaplin.

T:Sounds reasonable.

Reading task 2 Careful reading

T:OK,since you have a good understanding of the general idea of this reading passage,I'd like you to read the passage once again and work together with your partners to find out the answers to the following questions.

1.Why do people enjoy seeing other people's bad luck?

2.What was Chaplin given a special Oscar for?

3.Why did people like The little Tramp?

T:Finished?OK,any volunteers!

Suggested answers:

1.People enjoy seeing other people's bad luck,because it makes people more content with/satisfied with their life.

2.Chaplin was given a special Oscar for the contributions he made in films.

3.People like The little Tramp because it gives people courage to overcome difficulties;because he was always kind even when people were unkind to him,and because he was optimistic.

Step 3 Language focus

T:So much for the questions and answers.Now look through the passage again and see if you have any language problems.

S:I don't know whether the phrase "content with" has the same meaning with "be satisfied with"?

T:Yes,"content" means "satisfied,happy,not wanting more." For example:

1)The old Granny is content to live in the small village alone.

2)Are you content with your present salary?

S:Mr.Li,in Chinese the three words "particular,especial,special" all mean "特别的",I'm really confused about them.Will you explain them to us?

T:particular"特别的,讲究的,挑剔的",强调特定的,个别的,与众不同的;special "专门的,特殊的,特别的",强调的是事物特有的性质、性格或专门的目的、用途;especial "特别的,主要的,突出的",强调的是重要性,有"优越、好感"之意。

For example:

1)There is one particular patient I'd like you to see.

2)She is particular about her clothes.

3)You will need a special tool to do that.

4)I love the country,especially (adv.) in spring.


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