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高二英语下册优秀教案:Working the land



英语是联合国的工作语言之一,也是事实上的国际交流语言。以下是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的高二英语下册优秀教案,希望可以解决您所遇到的相关问题,加油,威廉希尔app 一直陪伴您。

Part1: On teaching material

The lesson is the reading, speaking and writing part of Unit 2 of NSEFC Book1A. The central topic of this unit is about farming and green food. It is a part of training Ss’ integrating skills, with the emphasis on training Ss to express their ideas by using English. This reading passage is very short and simple, so in the reading teaching, Teacher should emphasize on reading ability of scanning and finding out information correctly in a short given time. In speaking teaching, Teacher should create a situation close to life to stimulate Ss to speak, and guide them to use the useful expressions to express their ideas. In writing teaching, Teacher should guide Ss to use what they have learned in reading and speaking into their writing. The teaching syllabus demands that teaching should make developing students’ ability as its final aim. Thus, I set the teaching aims of the lesson as follows:

Part 2: On teaching aims

Knowledge objectives:

1). Ss will get to know the definition and knowledge related to green food.

2). Ss will get to know some new words and phrases related to green food.

3) Ss will get to know some useful expressions to persuade others.

Ability objectives:

1). By discussing and reporting, Ss’ thinking will be activated, their interest of writing will be aroused , and their output of language will be increased, thus improving their ability of language expressing.

2). While discussing and communicating, Ss will get to improve their communicating strategy, and master the way to persuade others in English.

3). Ss will be guided to practise writing a poster, and be encouraged to use what they learn into their writing, and thus further develop their ability of using language.

Moral objectives:

1). Ss will get to try best to cooperate with their classmates and help each other.

2). Ss will get to know the importance of green food and healthy eating.

Teaching important and difficult points

Among these aims, the aims of mastering words and expressions, applying the expressions in language situations and writing a poster are the important and difficult points.

Part3: On teaching methods

To achieve the teaching aims, I follow the “student-centered” principle. Make the students the real masters in class while the teacher acts as a director. And the communicative approach and task-based method are adopted. I make every student work in class through pair or group work. Besides, to increase students’ interest for learning, I will make full use of modern equipment and some encouraging and polite remarks.

Part 4.: On learning methods

Learning is as important as teaching. While learning, Ss should use their eyes, ears, mouth and heart to see, listen, speak and feel. Ss should learn by reading, speaking, observing, cooperating, discussing, and deducing. Above all, they should learn with interest and motivation.

Part5: On teaching procedure

Step1. Guessing game

Teacher takes out a box and let Ss guess what it is in the box according to the given information. (It is a barn egg or free range egg土鸡蛋)

Explanation: this part aims to stimulate Ss’ interest and thus lead to the following talk naturally.

Step2. lead-in

1. Talk

Topic: Why do people prefer the meat of “free range” animals, for example, “free range’ pig and “free range” chicken?

Explanation: this step is to warm up and at the same time, also a good chance to revise the learned expressions: grow with natural fertilizers; rich in minerals; keep…free from chemicals; free of…

And present new expressions: What is the advantages of… ? This is good value because…; If I have a choice, I’d choose…, because…

And then , Teacher presents the idea according to the talking above: We are what we eat!

2. Survey

Do a survey to see whether Ss pay enough attention to healthy eating.

Sample of survey:

1).What do you think is healthy food? Why?

(green food) ( Encourage Ss to use the new expressions)

2). Green food is ____________

Food that is green           B. edible wild herbs

Vegetables and fruits

None of the above is exactly right

Explanation: this survey is to make Ss know if they pay enough attention to healthy food and test whether they know green food, and then lead to the following question.

3. :What is “green food” in your eyes?

Explanation: By asking this question, Teacher collects Ss’ opinions of green food and lead to the reading passage naturally.

Step 3. Reading

1.Individual work: Read the text fast and keep the two questions in mind:

1)      What is Green Food?(present the new word “certain”, explain it and its usage)

2)      What are the advantages of it? Any disadvantages?

2. Pair work

Discuss: What other advantages does “green food” have?

Explanation: This step is to train Ss’ skill of scanning to find out the related information in the passage and encourages Ss to discuss in pairs and get more ideas share them with others, and get ready for the following speaking.

Step3. Speaking


Suppose you are a producer of green food , but it’s a pity that people do not know about your food and how good it is. And they don’t want to buy because of its high price. So you need a salesman to promote sales. And you put up a poster:

Salesman Wanted !

A salesman is badly wanted !

Talkative and persuasive.

HIGH pay.

For the interview, you are required to

persuade the interviewer to buy our green food.


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