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高二级英语First aid教案范例



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1.aid  1) n.帮助,援助,资助    常见结构:  first aid急救

in aid of…为了帮助……   with the aid of 借助于 ,在……帮助(救助)下

give/offer aid 援助             come to sb.'s aid 帮助某人   medical aid 医疗救护

cut off aid (突然)终止援助        a hearing aid 助听器  teaching aids 教具

他只有靠呼吸器呼吸。He was breathing only with the aid of a ventilator.

2) vt;&vi.     帮助,援助            常见结构:   aid sb. to do sth.帮助某人做某事

aid sb. in (doing) sth. 帮助某人做某事      aid sb. with sth在某事上帮助某人

① 我帮助这个可怜的女孩继续她的学业。I aided the poor girl in continuing her study.

② 我帮助她搞研究。I aided her to do her research.

2. fall ill【课文原句】

fall ill是“病倒”的意思,其中fall是连系动词,意为“成为,变成”,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。

她病倒不久便去世了。She fell ill and died soon after.

知识链接:fall asleep 睡着  fall silent 沉默   fall down 摔倒

fall in love with爱上……

3.prevent sb. from doing sth【课文原句】

1)prevent/stop... (from) doing 妨碍/阻止…做某事

keep... from doing 阻止….做某事

在be prevented/stopped from doing 结构中,介词from 能省略吗?

不能 如:We are prevented/stopped from going there.

2)protect sb./sth. against/from sth. 保护…..免受…..

他带着太阳镜以挡强烈的阳光。He is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight.

4. sense of touch  触觉    sense of sight  视觉    sense of hearing 听觉

sense of taste  味觉    sense of smell  嗅觉  sense of humour  幽默感

sense of beauty  美感   sense of direction  方向感  sense of urgency  紧迫感

5.a variety of 【课文原句】

a variety of各种各样的,多种多样的

这家商店出售各种各样的商品。This shop sells a variety of toys.

6. squeeze& over and over again【课文原句】

1)squeeze v. 压榨,挤压,塞进

squeeze out 榨出,挤出  squeeze into 挤进   squeeze…from/ out of从……榨取

① 她把一个柠檬的汁挤了出来。She squeezed the juice from /out of a lemon.

② 他挤进了拥挤的公共汽车。He squeezed himself into a crowded bus.

2) over and over again

2)over and over again = again and again, 一再,再三,许多次

我再三告诫你不要那样做.I’ve told you over and over again not to do that.

7. in place【课文原句】

in place: 在适当的位置;适宜的


You’d better put things back in place. Otherwise, it will be difficult to find things.

知识拓展: in place 在适当的位置,适当  out of place不在适当的位置,不适当

in place of  代替     take the place of 代替

短语翻译 1.阻止(某人)做……___________________________

2.触感_____________________________ 3.挤出;榨出______________________



8.许多,大量_________________________9.自豪___________________________ 10.砍掉,砍伐____________________


1. He suddenly________  _________  __________  _______(昨晚他突然病了)。

2. Sunglasses can_______  ________  ________  _________ the sun' s rays (保护我们的眼睛免受……  )。

3. You may __________  ______________(烫伤) by hot liquids.

4. These burns are not serious and they should______  ______  -______  ______ ________  _______  ___________(一天之内就会好许多)。

5. First degree burns __________  ___________when they are pressed(变成白色)。



1. prevent sb from doing sth  2. sense of touch  3. squeeze out  4. in place

5. over and over again  6. carry out  7. put one‘s hands on

8. a number of 9. be proud of  10. cut off


1. fell ill last night  2. protect our eyes from   3. get burnt

4. feel better within a day or two  5. turn white

Unit 5 First aid- Discovering useful structures




1. 省略主语

1)(I) Beg your pardon.

2)(It) Sounds like a good idea

2. 省略谓语或谓语的一部分

1)(Is) Anybody here?

2)(Is there) Anything I can do for you?

3. 省略宾语

A: Where has Mr. Smith gone?

B: Sorry, I don’t know (where he has gone.)


1)(Are you) Hungry?

2)(I want) Orange juice, please.


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