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高中二年级必修5英语科目教案:Making the news



英语是联合国的工作语言之一。威廉希尔app 为大家推荐了高中二年级必修5英语科目教案,请大家仔细阅读,希望你喜欢。


My first work assignment “Unforgettable”, says new journalist

Part I Analysis of the teachingmaterial教学内容分析

This reading material is a long dialoguebetween a very active new journalist and his boss, about how the new journalistshould do his job.

It is in Unit 4, Book 5 of high schoolEnglish text books, of middle level difficulty. Learning the text well willhelp students learn some more new words, phrases and important sentencepatterns. It can also help students master some clauses which are basis ofEnglish study.

This reading material involves thirty-sixnew words& phrases, some new sentence patterns of inversion for students tolearn and remember. It also includes many basic clauses for students to understand.

PartII Teaching plan教学计划

Teaching aims教学目标

A 知识目标knowledge aims

1. Help students learn the newwords, phrases and sentence patterns by learning the text.

2. Help students learn the topicof a dialogue between a journalist and his boss. Improve students’ knowledgeabout journalists and their work of making the news.

3. Help students review somewords, language points and clauses involved in the text.

B 能力目标 ability aims

1. Help students practise and improve theirreading ability.

2. Help students practise and improve theirlistening ability.

3. Help students practise and improve theirability of expressing themselves in English about the topic of how to be a goodjournalist and making the news.

C 兴趣情感目标 interest and feeling aims

1. Improve students’ interest in Englishlearning and the profession of journalist.

2. Arise students’ feeling of satisfactionafter learning the text, for having learned so much new information.


1. Master most newly learnedwords, phrases and sentence patterns.

2. Review some clauses and masterthem.

3. Help students master someusages of inversion in the text.


They are important points for they are themost important and basic part of English learning. Mastering these part willhelp learn more.

对策counter measures

Mainly pay attention to them while learning

Read for different purposes seperately, tohave more use of the language points

教学难点 Difficultpoints

The master of some uses of inversion in the text.


It is difficult, for these usages of inversionare new to students and difficult for some students to master.


Learn and digest the example senteces

Teaching methods&Learning methods教法学法

1. pre-reading guidance

2. brainstorm, discussion and role play. Leadstudents to think about the topics.

3. reading assigenment,and problems solvingreading. Discussion of students in pairs or groups

4. Fast reading and careful reading.

5. supplyment information and exercises.

6. study method guidance and homework.

7. Role play. A form of reading. Evokestudents’ interest


教学辅助(Teaching Aids):

1 Multi-media,Computer


2 Copied papers of questions, exercises andsupplementary information.


3 tape and palyer


PartIII Teaching Procedure:

Hand out the Copied papers of questions,exercises before class for students to do after reading.

Type A Procedure

For a class of students with good Englishlevel.


I.) Preview task

1. Preview the new words of this part

From “unforgettable”,,,,,to “ publish”.


II) Lead in (group work)

1 Do the survey of the textbook to leadstudent to think about what are the qualities a good journalist needs to have?

Ask students to fill in the form

Then ask some students to show his/heropinion.

2. Discussion: What will you do tomake news if you are a journalist.

Ask a student to tell the whole class whatwill he/ she will do to make news.


III) Reading

1.Read the new words and phrases together to make the reading process easier.(读新词熟悉词义)

unforgettable, assignment, delighted,admirable, unusual, assist, assistant, submit, profession, professional,colleague, eager, concentrate , concentrate on, amateur, update, acquire,assess, inform, deadline, interviewee, meanwhile, depend on, case, accuse,accuse…of…, (accusation), deliberately, so as to (do sth.), deny, skeptical,guilty, dilemma, demand, demanding, publish.

2. Fast reading.(快速阅读)

Read and get the main idea.

Ask students to read the dialogue tounderstand the main idea of the text,

Then ask two simples questions to check andhelp students have a better understanding of the text.

Questions: a)What is Zhou Yang’s first jobin the office?

b) What are the dos and don’ts a journalist should keep in mind?

c)The story Hu Xin told is about a football player or a basketballplayer?

3. Careful reading. (详细阅读)

Read and get a full understanding of thedialogue and answer the questions

Ask students to read the dialogue carefullyto have a full understanding of the main idea of the text, then discuss thequestions to help students have a full understanding of the dialogue.

Questions: a) When can a new journalist goout on a story?

b)Who will take photos while making the news?

c)What should Zhou Yang need to remember when he go out to cover story?

d)What need a journalist do when he go out to cover a story?

e) whom and what did Hu Xin tell a story about?

4 Intensive Reading

4.1 Read for language points and find difficult points to solve

a) Ask students to findimportant points and the points they don’t understand.

b) Then discuss in groups to understand the difficult ponts.

c) At last discuss the difficult points in class to help studentsunderstand.

4.2 Show students some language points to learn together


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