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高中二年级外研版英语选修6教案:Module 4 music




Teaching aims:

1、Sum up the main idea of each paragraph.

2、Understand the details about the passage.

3、Use the important words and expressions from warming up and reading

4、Use the attributive clause led by “prep. + which / whom ”.

5、make suggestions

6、talk about preference

7、write a letter for advice

8、talk about music: forming a band

9、make suggestions and talk about preference properly

重点词汇:break up  dream of  form  stick to  be honest  play jokes/a joke on           match  extra  pretend

重点句型:定语从句 介词+引导词

语  法:定语从句


1.roll over        翻身, 打滚

roll up     卷起

roll down     滚下来

2.dream of / about (doing) sth    梦见, 梦想…

3.at a concert      在音乐会上

4.be honest with sb.     对…诚实

be honest about sth.

be honest in doing sth.

4.form the habit of      养成…的习惯

in the form of       以…的形式

in form              在形式上

5.passers-by           路人(复数)

6.earn extra money          赚外快

6.give sb. a chance to do     给某人做某事的机会

7.play jokes/a joke on sb.    捉弄

play tricks/a trick on sb.

laugh at  / make fun of   嘲笑;取笑

8.base on       以….为基础, 基于….

be based on

9.make music        做音乐

10.break up        破裂;拆散;停止; (战争等)爆发

break in/into    闯进

break off        中断;停止

break down       坏掉,发生故障; (身体)垮掉

11.hit sb. On / in the + 身体部位     击中某人的…

12.by chance/accident      偶然,意外地

13.come across             偶然遇见

14.sort out                 分类

15.be confident of/about/in  对……有信心

16.give/put on a performace = perform   演出,表演

17.go wrong               出了毛病

18.since then            从那时起

19.come up with           提出

20.stick to do=insist on doing    坚持做某事

21.above of all      首先,最重要的是     first of all     第一

22.play musical instrument     演奏乐器

23.attract one’s attention/interest     吸引某人的注意力/兴趣


1. list v.&n. 列表;名单,目录

He listed all the things he wanted to buy. 他把想买的东西列成一张清单。

His name was taken off the list because of his frequent absence. 他由于经常旷工而被除名。

注:a shopping list 购物单; a black list 黑名单; draw up a list 制作表格;

put one’s name on the list把某人的名字列入名单 ; make a list of ….把……列成单

2. pretend v. 假装,佯装;

后面可接不定式或从句,构成pretend to do sth或pretend that …结构。

He pretends to be ill. 他假装病了。

The students pretended to be reading when the teacher came in. 当老师走进来时,学生们假装正在看书。  We pretended that nothing had happened. 我们假装什么事也没发生。

注:pretend 还可用作形容词:pretend cakes假糕点;pretend toys假玩具

【原句回放】do you sing karaoke and pretend you are a famous singer like... (page34, line5)


1. He pretended that he was working hard. 他假装在努力工作。

2. He pretended to be reading a book when his mother came back.


vi.&vt. (常指孩子在游戏中)假扮,后接不定式或从句。

Let’s pretend to be soldiers. 我们来假扮军人吧。

【拓展】pretend to do 假装做

pretend that 假装……

pretend as if /though+从句 假装(好像)……


She pretended ________ me when I passed by.

A. and not read    B. not seeing

C. not to see     D. not to be seeing



3. form v.&n. 组成,形成;形状,形式,表格

He formed a band with some friends from school.  他和学校里一些朋友组成了一支乐队。

A plan formed in my head.              一个计划在我的头脑中形成。

Help in the form of will be very welcome. 以钱的方式资助将会非常受欢迎。

Please fill in this form in ink.    请用墨水填写这张表格。

【原句回放】but how do people form a band?(Page34, line8)

【点拨】vt. 形成,组成,养成 如:

With the help of our PE teacher, we form a basketball team.


As a result, he forms the habit of hunting on weekends.


The band is formed of one girl and two boys. =The band is made up of one girl and two



n. 表格,形式,形态

Ice, snow and steam are different forms of water 冰,雪,蒸汽是水的不同形式。

Please fill the form. 请填表格。

in the form of 以……形式

in form 形式上,情况良好


form the habit of 养成……的习惯

take the form of 采取……样的形式


1. The children were ______ small groups, going from door to door to collect old clothes.

A. formed from    B. formed into    C. made into    D. made from

2. They are different ______.

A. in the form    B. in a form    C. in form    D. in forms

【解析】1. A项构成错误;C项意为“被制成”,D项意为“由……制成”。根据句意可知,此处表示“被组成”。

2. 根据句意“他们在形式上是不同的”。

【答案】1. B  2. C

4. extra 有三种词性

adj. 额外的,分外的,外加的,附加的

The perform is going to be a lot of extra work . 这次演出将有很多额外的工作。

adv. 额外,另外;特别,格外

The rate for a room is $30, but breakfast is extra. 一个房间收费30美元,早餐另付。

n. 额外的事物,额外的钱

Piano class is an optional extra at our school.  我们学校钢琴课是选修的,要另外收费。


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