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高中高一英语必修四优秀教案:Unit 2 Working the land



9. Dr Yuan grows what is called super hybrid rice.

e.g: He came to what is called America.

10. This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one -third more of the crop in the same fields.

e.g: That made it possible for life to begin to develop.

The development of science makes it possible for us to know more about the universe.

11. Dr Yuan awoke from his dream with the hope of producing a kind of rice (that could feed more people).

e.g: He went to the U.S with the hope of finding a better job there.

Fill in the proper phrases or words to complete thefollowing:

1.In a way,the accident was a good thing because it taught us a good lesson.

2.It was because of his advice that I succeeded.

3.I am satisfied with the result of the experiment.

4.They have struggled for years to drive the invaders out of their country.

5.We all wish that we could rid the world of crime.

6.In some less developed areas in China, some farmers are still lead a poor life.

7.The output of corn this year is double that of last year.

After graduating from college, he went to Shenzhen with the hope of getting a chance to become rich soon .

Period 7-8 Grammar


一. 动名词做主语的用法

动名词做主语往往表示经常性、习惯性的动作, 在口语中也可以表示具体的动作。如:

Seeing is believing.Helping her is my duty. Talking mends no holes.


Working with you is a pleasure. 和你一起工作是一种乐趣。


It's rather tiring walking around in a city.



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