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高中高一英语必修四优秀教案:Unit 2 Working the land



more popular.

4.Write down Yuan Longping’s personal information



•Dream:Achievements: Hobbies:

Period 5-6 Language points:

1. Struggle for…为争取……而斗争Struggle against…为反对……而斗争

Struggle with… 与……争斗

1)The swimmer struggled against the tide.

2)We had to struggle with/against all kinds of difficulties.

3)The slaves struggled for the freedom

2. 使做…成为…make +it +adj./n. +to do好天气使游泳成为可能

The fine weather makes it possible( for us )to swim.

他将每早跑步做为一个规则He makes it a rule to run every morning.

其他可用这种结构的词:feel, find, think, consider…

3.搜查,搜索search (sb. / sth.)for …

He searched all the rooms for the missing person.

They searched the man all over for money.

4.由于,多亏thanks to相当于because of

5.是从前两倍那么多 twice as large as before相当于once larger than before


be satisfied with…相当于 be pleased with

adj. satisfactory/satisfyingn.satisfaction

7.在乎,在意care about比较care for

My aunt cared for me when my parents were away last week.

Dr Yuan never cares about money and fame.

8. Indeed, his sunburnt face and arms and his slim, strong body are like those of millions of other Chinese farmers.

e.g: The streets in Beijing are wider than those in my hometown.

The number of students in our school is larger than that in their school.


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