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高中高一英语必修四优秀教案:Unit 2 Working the land



A brief introduction:

Yuan Longping is known as China’s “father of hybrid rice”. It’s said that in China, we eat depending on “Two Ping” ---- Deng Xiaoping, who made the policy of System of Production Responsibility, & Yuan Longping, who invented hybrid rice.

Yuan Longping, who was born in September, 1930, graduated from Agriculture Department in Southwest Agricultural Institute. He has been working on agriculture education & the research into hybrid rice since he left the institute.

In the 1960s, when China was sufferingfrom serious famine, he came up with the idea of hybrid rice, which has a highyield ( or output). Ten years later, he succeeded in inventing a new species that produced a 20 percent higher yield than common types of rice.

Yuan devoted himself to the research into agriculture, & was honored by UNESCO & FAO(联合国教科文组织). Although he is 74 years old, he is still working on the research into agriculture.

Period 3-4 Reading

Step 1 Lead-in。

1. Listen to the tape carefully then answer these questions.

1)When and who did become the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output?

2)What did Yuan Longping invent?

2. Read the passage once again,then find out these sentences true or false.

1) Dr Yuan is more a farmerthan a scientist.

2 )Dr Yuan’s kind of rice is the most suitable for China’s farmland.

3) Dr Yuan would rather work than relax.

4 )Dr Yuan has dreams when he is asleep and also when he is awake.

5 )Dr Yuan enjoys a simpler life than most rich and famous people.

3.Find out the topic sentences of each paragraph

Para. 1: He became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output.

Para.2:He has devoted his life to finding ways to grow more and more rice..

Para.3:He cares little about spending the money on himself and would rather keep time for his hobbies.

Para.4 Dr. Yuan’s dreams.

Main idea of the passage

Chemical fertilizers can cause many problems, so organic farming is becoming


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