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高中英语必修四教案:Unit 3 A taste of English humour



Step 2. Pre-listening

This is a story that English speaking people find funny. It is the kind of story that might happen to anybody who has a farm and chickens. At first let Ss read the questions to make sure that they know what they should do in this listening.

Step 3 Listening

Task 1: Ss listen to the tape twice and finish Ex 1 and 2 on page 23.

Step 4. Speaking

Task 2: Ss in pairs think of a funny story. It can be an English story or a Chinese story. Follow the following procedure:

Prepare a joke and tell your partner in English.

While telling your story, use the expression on your face and some acting to help make the story as funny as you can.

After telling your story to your partner, let him/her give you some advice.

Then let your partner tell his/her story.

Finally tell your story to the class.

Step 5. Listening (on page 55)

This is a funny story for the students to enjoy. Ss should listen carefully and first try to understand the meaning.

Task 3: Ss listen to the tape twice and finish Wb Ex 1 and 2 on page 55.

Task 4: Talking

Humour make people laugh, feel happy and relaxed. Sometimes one person may find something funny while another person doesn’t find it amusing at all. So in pairs discuss with your partner what makes you laugh. Try to use the following expressions:

I enjoy this very much because…. It surprises me that …

I laugh at that kind of thing because…This is fun because…

I’m pleased we were both amused at… It is very amusing that…

How wonderful /surprising!

Period 9.Grammar:

Step 1. Warm up

Review what the Ss have learned about –ing as the subject and Object


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