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高中英语必修四教案:Unit 3 A taste of English humour



Step 4. Practice

1. Ask the Ss to do Ex. 1and 2 on page 63.

Period 5-6.Reading

Step 1. Pre-reading

The purpose of this reading is to introduce students to English jokes. Two kinds of jokes are shown here. The first shows now different meanings can make something amusing. This is called a “play on words”. The second kind of joke is s short funny story. Both jokes are very popular in English-speaking countries.

Step 2. Reading

Task 1: Ss read and give their own answer to the question.

Answer key for Exercise 1:1. B2.C3. A

Task 2: Ss read part 2 and give their own answers to the two questions.

Step 3. Reading task (page 59)

Task 3: Ss read the passage and answer the following questions.

1.What do children usually do on April Fool’s Day?

2.Why did people believe the programme Panorama?

3.Do you think the advice that the BBC gave people who asked how to grow noodle trees was serious? Give a reason.

4.What would you do to find out whether a story like this was true.

Task 4: Ss read and analyse the way that the BBC played this trick.

Suggested answer:

1.The panorama TV programme is serious and people believe it.

2.The progrmme itself was presented in a very serious way.

3.There were many details given in the story to make it believable.

Task 5: Ss read and think if these things are true:

1.that pigeons follow roads and road signs when they find their way home.

2.that the earliest football has been found in a grave dated to 1000 years ago.

3.that earliest human paintings on cave walls are all modern fakes.

4.that advanced computers can “talk” to each other without the aid of humans.

Period 7-8.Listening and speaking

Step 1. Warm up

Ask one of the Ss to tell the class a joke.


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