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好的教案的重点在于对课本知识的把控要到位,尤其的重点及难点内容,为此威廉希尔app 整理了北师大版英语高一上学期《Celebration》Festivals教案,希望对老师有帮助。


■ To use pictures to help understand new words and to use the dictionary to check meanings.

■ To read a text quickly to find specific information.

■ To practise the Present Simple Passive, Present

Continuous Passive, Past Simple Passive, Present Perfect Passive and Past Continous Passive.

Resource used

Grammar Summary 5.

Possible problems

Students should be encouraged to use the Passive. It is used more in English than in many other languages.

Background Communal celebrations mark events such as changing seasons, religious days or political events; music, dance or costume are usually involved. Routes through the material

■ If you are short of time, set some of the exercises for homework.

■ If you have time, use one of the Options ideas.

■ If you have two periods for this lesson, a suitable natural break is after Exercise 4.


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