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Unit 4  Earthquakes

1. Knowledge:

Learn and master the new words and expressions in this period.



1. Train the students’ listening ability.

2. train the students’ listening ability.

3. Train the students’ ability to use the Internet to search for some useful information.

4. Train the students’ ability to cooperate with others.


1. Know the damage that an earthquake

2. Know the ways to reduce the losses of an earthquake.

Teaching important points

Train the students’ speaking ability by describing, talking and discussion.


Train the students’ listening ability.

Step1 Warming-up

T: Do you know what happened in the Indian Ocean at the end of last year? It shocked or we can say frightened the whole world.

S: A terrible tsunami broke out there on 26th December. More than 200 000 people were killed.

T: Yes. It is said that it is the biggest in the fore decades. A tsunami is an undersea earthquake. Then have you heard of any land earthquakes? Would you please list some?

S: We can often hear that earthquakes occur in Japan. In 1906, an earthquake struck San Francisco, USA. About 700 people died in the earthquake and the fires. And as many as 250 000 people lost homes.

T: But do you know any famous earthquakes that happened in our county?

S: The Tangshan Earthquake that happened in 1976.

T: Can you tell me what mighty happen in an earthquake? You may look at the two pictures on Page 25.

Step 2 Listening

T: Before we learn the passage about an earthquake, let’s first know why there are earthquakes in the world. So let’s do some listening on Page 62. listen to the tape for the first time and try to get a general idea of the passage.

Listen to the tape and check the answers.( It is about the cause of earthquakes and how we can reduce losses from them.)

T: Listen to the tape for the second time and judge whether the statements in Part 1 are true of false.

T: Let’s check the answers. Listen again and try to correct the statements that are false.

T: Listen again and try to complete the table in Part 2.

A few minutes later, check the answers.

Step 3 Homework

1. Preview the reading passage on Page 26 and do exercise I in the part “Learning about language”.

2. Ask the to look for more ways of reducing losses from earthquakes. The students can go to the library or use the Internet to search for information. After searching for the information, each group should make a poster, informing people how to reduce the losses of an earthquake.

Record after teaching :


The Second Period


Learn some new, phrases and some new sentence patterns.


1. learn some detailed information about an earthquake.

2. improve the students’ reading ability.

3. train the students’ ability to grasp key information while listening.

4. train the students’ speaking ability.


1. Train the students’ ability to cooperate with others.

2. Know the deadliness of an earthquake and the signs before an earthquake is coming.

3. Learn from the bravery of people in Tangshan to face the reality and rebuild the city.

Teaching important points:

1 The new words and expressions.

2. Learn some detailed information about an earthquake.

3. Train the students’ ability to cooperate with others.

4. Train the students’ speaking ability.

Teaching difficulties:

1 Words: shake, burst, rise, destroy, shock, fresh, injure

2. Phrases: right away, at an end

3. Sentence patterns:

(1) It seemed/ seems that…

(2) The number of sb./sth. Reached/reaches…

(3)All hope was not lost.

4. Improve the students’ reading ability.

5. Train the students’ ability to grasp key information while listening

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Pre-reading

T: Suppose you are warned of a coming earthquake. Now you have time to take only one thing. Tell your partner what you will take and the reason.

T: If an earthquake is around the corner, there must be some abnormal phenomena. Carefully look at the four pictures on Page 25 and try to describe what you have seen.

Step2 Listening

T: Everyone knows that an earthquake is very terrible. Today, we will learn something about the strongest earthquake in China’s history, which happened in Tangshan, Hebei, in 1976. First listen to the tape with your textbooks closed and check whether the following statements are true or false. If it is false, try to correct it.

1. People in Tangshan were warned of the earthquake and didn’t go to bed that night. (F)

2. People in Beijing also felt the earthquake. (T)

3. More than 400 000 people were killed in the quake. (F)

4. Many rescue workers and doctors were trapped under the ruins during the aftershock. (T)

5. People tried to get fresh water from under the ground in Tangshan. (F)

Step 3 Reading

1. Finish Part 1-2 in Comprehending on Page 27.

2. Finish Part 3 in Comprehending on Page 27.

3. Read the passage again to get important information about Tangshan Earthquake and fill in the blanks. ( 百思英语 Page 44 )

Step 4 Speaking or Reading aloud

If your students are good at English, ask them to do this exercise:

Suppose one of you was a newspaper reporter, and the other was a witness of the 1976 Tangshan Earthquake. Now the newspaper reporter is asking the witness some questions. Work in pairs please.

If your students are very poor in English, ask them to do this exercise:

Play the tape for the students to listen and follow in order to let them know how to read the text.

Step 5 Homework

1. Read the text several times.

2. Do exercise 3 on Page 28.

3. Do exercise 2 on Page 28 in the exercise book and hang it in tomorrow.

4. Learn some words and phrases in this unit and make some sentences with them. ( Ss’ Book, Page 82-84)

Record after teaching :


The Third Period


1. words: crack, burst, ruin, injure, destroy, shock, last

2. phrases: at an end, right away, dig out

3. sentence patterns:

All hope was not lost.


1. Train the students’ ability to read different numbers in English.

2. Learn the usage of some difficult words and expressions.

3. Train the students’ ability to remove the difficulties while reading.


1. Train the students’ ability to cooperate with others.

2. Know the deadliness of an earthquake and the signs before an earthquake is coming.

3. Learn from the bravery of people in Tangshan to face the reality and rebuild the city.

Teaching important points:

1. Train the students’ ability to read different numbers in English.

2. Train the students’ ability to cooperate with others.

Teaching difficulties:

1. The explanation of some difficult words and expressions.

2. Train the students’ ability to remove the difficulties while reading.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Revision

1.T: In the last period , we learned something about the terrible Tangshan Earthquake in 1976, which is the deadliest earthquake in China’s history. Now I am going to ask you some questions based on the Reading passage.

(1)What did people in Tangshan see in the sky before the earthquake?

(2)What did people notice in the wells?

(3)Did people pay any attention to these abnormal phenomena?

(4)When did the earthquake begin?

(5)Were there any aftershocks?

(6)Did the survivors deny the city and go to live in other places?

2. Check the homework (Ex2 on P28). Ask them to recite it after class.

Step 2 Learning about Numbers

Turn to Page 28 and look at Part 3. Match each word to the number that has the same meaning. Allow the students several minutes to finish the task. Check the answers.

Step 3 Important points

Ask the students to turn to Page 82. Ask some students to make some sentences with the words or phrases. Deal with some difficulties. You can add more phrases.

Step 4 homework

In order to master the usage of these words and expressions, please do some related exercises.

1. Finish off the two parts in Using Words and Expressions on Page 63.

2. Translate the sentences on Page 63 into English. Write the English sentences in one of your exercise book and hand it in tomorrow.

Record after teaching :


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