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外研版英语上册上册module教案怎么写:my first day at senior high



讲授新课前,做一份完美的教案,能够更大程度的调动学生在上课时的积极性,威廉希尔app 为老师们整理了外研版英语上册上册module教案怎么写,希望给老师的教学带来帮助。


Teaching goals:

1. Target language

a. Important words:

abandoned, recently, midnight

b. Grammar:

The –ed form and past tense time expression.

2.Ability goals

Enable the Ss to learn the –ed form used as adjective and past tense time


3. Learning ability goals

Help the Ss learn how to use the –ed form as adjective and past tense tine expressions.

Teaching important points:

Explain the –ed form used in the passage.

Teaching difficult points

Explaining and practicing.

Teaching aids:


Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Revision

Get the Ss to retell the passage about My Fitst Day on a Train. Then get Ss to show the sentences that contain the –ed form in the passage.

Step 2 The –ed form

Task 1 Read the sentences from the passage and answer the questions. (P. 24)

Task 2 Explanation: 过去分词用作形容词


e.g. respected leader, excited children, steamed bread, closed windows, broken glass


e.g. fallen leaves, risen sun, changed world, retired teacher

3、使用动词的过去分词表示被修饰的人或物所处的状态, 相当于一个形容词

e.g. a puzzled look, disappointed children,


。e. g. polluted air, a letter written in pencil, a meal cooked by my brother

Task 3 Practice

I. Rewrite the sentences using the past participle form of the verbs in brackets.( Ex.1 ,page79)

There were hundreds of ___________drivers in the traffic jam.

• There were lots of _______people getting on the plane.

• The family used a________ car to travel around Europe ….

• Many_____ passengers got off the plane ….

• There were a lot of _______ cars everywhere after ….

• The ________passengers travelled from Shanghai ….

• The audience watched as four________ lions entered ….

• We spent the night on________ farm.

II. Match the two parts of the sentences.( Ex.2, page79)

1. We lived in the house ( abandoned by my grandparents many years ago )

2. We bought a camel ( trained by an Afghan man. )

3. I saw a film ( directed by Steven Spielberg. )

4. I ate an excellent meal ( cooked by my brother .)

5. I listened to a story ( told by an old woman. )

6. I read two books( written by Lu Xun .)

Task III 一般过去时( the Simple Past Tense )

1. Find the following expressions that appear in the passage.What events do they refer to?

Recently: Alice went on her first long distance….

During the day: She sat and looked out of the ….


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