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Teaching aims:

1. Topic

Information technology; history and basic knowledge of computers; robots

2. Useful words and expressions:

Calculate  calculator  PC  notebook  common  analytical  simple  simple-minded  technology  technological  revolution  universal  mathematical  artificial  intelligence  anyway  totally  network  truly  race  birth  IT advantage  disadvantage  type  disagree  choice  material  personally  create  coach  move  arise  brain  mop  wander

In common   in one’s opinion   go by   so …that…

deal with   human race   in a way  make up  after all

with the help of  watch over

3. Functional items:

a)Making decisions

I think that…

In my opinion…

I believe that…

Let’s make our decision.

I’ve decided that…


The advantage/disadvantage is…

I think this one is better because….

I don’t think this one because….

What’s your reason?

Why do you think so?

4. Structures

The present perfect passive voice

I have been made smaller and smaller.

I have been used by millions of people.

I have truly been built to help the human race.

Teaching procedures

Period 1.  SpeakingStep 1. Warming up

1. Ss talk about the pictures on page 17 with the teacher’s help.

An abacus is an old calculating machine used in China until now.

A huge computer is built to solve some mathematical problems. But it is too big.

A calculator is a new calculating machine which can solve a large number of mathematical problems.

A PC is a personal computer which can solve all kinds of problems and is used widely now.

A notebook computer is a kind of useful computer which can be taken conveniently like a notebook.

2. Now let’s discuss what they have in common in small groups. Remember to use some of the following expressions.

I think that…

In my opinion…

I believe that…

What’s your reason?

Why do you think so?

Step 2. Listening (page 55)

Ss are asked to read fast the requirement of Ex. 1 and 2 to fink out the listening points first. Then listen to the tape twice to complete Ex.

Step 3. Talking (page 56)

Imagine that your family is thinking of buying a robot. You can afford these three robots mentioned in the listening text. Please discuss which one is the best for you. Remember to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each one. Them make your choice and give reasons.

Using the following expressions in discussion:

I believe that….

I think this one is better because…

Let’s make our decision…

In my opinion…

I’ve decided…

I don’t like this one because..

Period 2.  Listening

Step 1. Revision

Ss talk about something about computers or robots.

Step 2. Listening and writing (page 21)

Ask the Ss to read through the directions and look at some pictures below and a form above on page 22. make sure they know what to do while listening.

Task1.  Listen to a conversation about different kinds of information technology of IT.

Task 2.  Discussion and filling

Ss discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each one in small groups and fill in the following form.

Type of IT Advantages Disadvantages





Step 3. Listening task (page 58)

1. Ss will be asked to look at the picture and the form quickly to find out the important points.

2. Play the tape twice and ask the Ss to fill in the form.

Sally and Brenda’s problems

About their jobs

About changing their jobs

About who decides their future

About how they are different from people

About how they are the same as people


Ss discuss the use of computer chips in their spare time.

Period 3.  ReadingStep 1. Pre-reading

Ss in groups discuss the following questions:

1. What do you know about computers?

2. How have computers changed our lives?

Step 3.  Reading

1. Ss read the passage and get the general idea.

(The text is mainly about the history and development of computers. And it is also about the relationship of computers and humans.)

2.  Ss read the passage and finish the timeline on page 19.

Suggested answer:

1642: The computer began as a calculating machine.

1822: The Analytical Machine was built by Charles Babbage.

1936: Alan Turing wrote a book to describe how computers could be made.

1960s: Computers had new transistors and become smaller.

1960s: The first family of computers connected to each other.

1970s: Computers were brought into people’s homes.

Now: Computers connect people all over the world together.


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