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课 时 教 案

授课时间:第    周           年   月   日

课 题    Unit 3 Computers

教 学  目 标 Teaching aim: go over this unit to master the usage of words; phrases and sentences patterns of this unit.

教 学  重 点 Important points: Grammar filling

教 学 难 点 Difficult points:  Basic writing

教 学

方 法 Summary;Exercises;Consolidation

教 具 Book II ; Blackboard;PPT;

教学时数 Three Periods: (two periods for key points, one period for exercise)


Teaching steps:

Step 1 Word study

一、单词拼写   根据词性和词义写出下列单词。

1.____________ vt. 计算          2.____________ vt. 简化

3.____________ n. 接线员         4.____________ adv. 合逻辑的

5.____________ n. 科技           6.____________ n. 革命

7.____________ adj. 人造的        8.____________ n. 智力

9_____________ vt. 解决          10.___________ adv. 亲自

11.____________ n. 应用          12.____________ n. 金融

13.____________ v. 探索          14.____________ adv. 无论如何

15.____________ n. 目标          16.____________ n. 信号

17.____________ n. 类型          18.____________ vi. 出现,

19.____________ adj. 电子的,     20.____________ n. 外貌

二、单词运用  根据句子的结构和意义,在空格处填入一个恰当的单词,或者用括号中所给的适当形式填空。

1. At the end of a letter you should write “Yours _______” and your name.

2. With the development of science and ___________, people will live a happier life.

3. IQ(智商) stands for ___________ quality.

4. The captain had an ___________ leg, made of wood.

5. English is a _____________ language, so we have to learn it.

6. An a__________ is a calculating tool for dealing with figures in ancient China.

7. One Laptop per Child is a non-profit association devoted to research to develop a $100 l_________ for every child in the world.

8. During the course, students will develop their ______________(analysis) skills.

9. The ______________ (develop) of the information technology was the greatest advance of the 20th century.

10. We will soon arrive at the point where we can find all the knowledge of humankind on a computer _____________(网络).

三、词语派生  用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。

1. Try to _________ (simple) your explanation for the students to help them understand better.

2. If you want to know about the hotel, you can call the __________ (operate) to find out the information.

3. The boy is very clever and he shows high

_____________ (intelligent) in study.

4. ________ (real) is not the way you wish things to be but the way they actually are.

5. Bob is _________ (total) different from his father, who is very tall.

6. They agreed to accept my ____________ (apply) for joining their team.

7. His success in business brought ____________ (happy) to his parents.

8. We will make a ___________ (person) visit to the student’s home.

9. His speech is _________ (logical) organized and sounds great.

10. I disagree that the age of ________________ (technology) revolution has ended.

Step 2 Phrases reviewing

四、词组互译  将下列词组或短语译成中文或英文。

1. from…on _____________________  2. as a result ______________________

3. so…that _________________________4. in a way ________________________

5. with the help of ___________________   6. deal with _________________________

7. watch over _______________________  8. as time goes by ___________________

9. in/during the 1970s ________________10. after all _________________________

11. _______________________ 公有;共用 12. _______________________ 技术革命

13. ______________ 处理;安排;对付 14. ______________________ 解决问题

15. ______________________ 人工智能  16. ______________ 走过;过去

17. ______________________ 依某人看来  18. ______________ 采取行动

19. ______________________ 与……信息共享  20. ______________ 弥补、组成


词组填空  根据句子提供的语境,从第四大题中选一个适当的词组并用其适当的形式填空。

1. They had a lot ____________ and became good friends very soon.

2. How are you going to ___________ such problems?

3. Don’t blame him. _____________, he is a child.

翻译填空  根据汉语意思,从上述短语中选一个恰当的词组完成句子。

4. He soon ___________ the lessons he missed.

5. Why didn’t you _______________ to put out the fire?

6. It is not rare in ____________ (九十年代) that people in ____________ (五十多岁)are going to university for further education.

句子翻译  从上述短语中选择恰当的短语翻译下列句子。





Step 3  Practice

六、语法填空  阅读下列短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。

eBay is the world’s online marketplace, 31       enables individuals and small Business to trade on a local, national and international basis32           (found) in September 1995, eBay provides a platform (平台) 33          the sale of goods and services to more than 135 million registered members from all around 34                    world.

Globally, eBay has more than 44 million items (项目) listed for sale at any one time. And an additional 4 million items

35            (add) daily. There are more than 50,000 kinds, including computers, art, toys, stamps, magazines music, glass, electronics, jewelry, e-Books and so on.

Electronic (电子的) books or e-Books are texts designed to be read only 36                a computer screen. The greatest advantage of e-Books is that you can get the relevant information at the press of a button. Buying e-Books on eBay is easy. You can order e-Books online and they will be delivered (交付) electronically to your computer. So you can 37___      money with no shopping, no taxes, and the lowest prices. You could visit e-Book Mall that has the world’s largest 38________    (choose) of quality e–Book. Or go to Gemstar e-Books that give a new  39          (mean) to the term “light reading”. They have powerful electronic features such  40         a built-in dictionary, world search and bookmarks.

七、基础写作  用括号中所给词翻译下列句子,然后将这些句子联成一篇5句话的连贯的短文。

1. 随着岁月的流逝,计算机在我们的日常生活中变得越来越重要。(as, go by, more and more, in our daily life)

2. 我们利用计算机查找我们所需要的资料;从某种意义上说,计算机是我们的好帮手。

(make use of, information, in a way)

3. 巧板学生沉迷于网络游戏,这对身体健康有害。(fall in love, be harmful to)

4. 依我来看,计算机有优点,也有缺点。(in one’s opinion, advantage, disadvantage)

5. 家长应该看护子女,如何用好计算机。(watch over, how to use)

One possible version

As time goes by, computer is more and more important in our daily life. We can make use of it to find out information we need. In a way, computer is our good helper. However, students fall in love with games in the Internet, it is harmful to their health.

Step 4 : Points usages


1. personally  adv. 亲自(= in person),依本人之见,就人而论

◇Personally, I couldn't work to live. 就我个人而言,我无法为生存而工作。

◇You'd better talk to him personally.你最好亲自去跟他说。

◇We like him personally, but dislike his way of living. 我们喜欢他这个人, 但不喜欢他的生活方式。

※说明:该副词用于句首时,意为“就个人而言”,相当于as far as I am concerned。


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