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I. Teaching Goals:

1. Talk about computers

2. Describe things and how they work

3. Give advice and make suggestions

4. Use the Present Continuous Passive Voice.

II. Teaching Time: Four periods.

The First Period

Teaching aims:

1. Learn and master the following: solve, creative, agree and worth

2. Train and improve the students' speaking ability .

Teaching Important Points:

1. Train the students' listening and speaking abilities.

2. Master the new words, and make the students learn to give and express their advice.

Teaching Difficult Points:

How to encourage the students to finish the task of listening and speaking.

Teaching Methods:

1. a tape-recorder 2. the blackboard

Teaching Presentation:

Step I. Greetings.

Step II. Presentation.

T: Boys and girls, please answer one question: Do you heard about "286"

"386" "486" and "586"?

Ss: Yes. They are computers.

T: Which is the most advanced computer in technology?

Ss: " 586".

T: Yes, you are right. From these numbers we can see the advance of

Technology. If you want to make technology advance, you must have

Creative ability and the ability to solve the problems. Now I want to see how creative you are and whether you can solve the following problems. Please turn to Page 57, Unit 9 Technology and look at the first part Warming up.

Step III. Warming up

Now I give you 2 minutes to consider how many uses for the following

Items. ( Group 1: a toothpick Group 2: a sock

Group 3: a plastic bag. Two minutes later, collect the


Suggested answers:

1. A toothpick can be used to get bits of food out of the space between teeth;

Can be used to eat small things; can be used to open a bottle...

2. A sock can be used to keep your feet warm and clean; can be used to make Gloves for little baby; can be used to fill some presents in on


3. A plastic bag can be used to carry things; can be used to cover the seat of a

Bike when it is raining; can be used as a glove when we pick

Up sth oily or dirty; can be used to cover our hair when we

Are dyeing it; can be used as a toy...

T: Well done. Now I give you 3 minutes to solve next problem: make as many Words as you can by moving any side as many steps as you wish.( After 3 minutes, you can collect the answer).

Suggested answers: stop, side, soot, stem; star; coat, code, cram; door ; poem ;rate ; aide, atom etc.

T: Now let's come to "True or false". ( T, F, T)

Step IV. Listening.

Now please listen to the tape and guess what is being described. While listening try to finish the form on Page 57.

Listen for the first time and write down the object described.

Listen again and write down its possible uses.

Listen for the third time to check the answer.

Listening text:

1. These are very simple. Two sticks, about 20 centimeters long. They are usually

made of wood. You hold two sticks in one hand. You put one stick between

two of your fingers, and you hold the other one with your thumb. These things

can be difficult to use at first, but you will soon learn how to pick up even

small pieces of food.

2. This thing is very popular and useful. Almost everyone has one these days.

You can see people using this thing on the bus, when they are walking, or at

Home. It is usually small , about the same size as your hand, and it comes in many colours. There are several buttons on it, some for numbers, others for other things. It can be put in your pocket or in a small bag. With it, you can talk to people far away.

3. This is a large box with a big door. If you open the door, a light comes on and

you can see what's inside. You'd better not leave the door open for too long,

because it is not good for the things inside. You might catch a cold, if you

stand in front of the open door. There are several shelves inside, some in the

box itself, some in the door. You usually find this large box in the kitchen.

Answers to listening text.

Object described Possible used

1. Chopsticks Eating, opening a bottle,

2. Cellphone Making phone calls, sending pictures, sending e-mail...

3. Refrigerator Keeping food fresh, keeping drinks cool...

Step V. Speaking.

Let's look at the third part "Speaking". Jane wants to buy a cellphone. Before she buys one, she asks her parents and her best friend what they think.

Group 1: you are Jane. You want to buy a cellphone. You think that a cellphone is very useful. Give your reasons;

Group 2: you are Jane's best friend. You do not think Jane should buy a

Cellphone . Give your reasons;

Group 3: You are Jane's mother. You do not think Jane should buy a cellphone

Give your reasons;

Group 4: You are Jane's father. You think that Jane should buy a cellphone

Give your reasons;

( 2 minutes later, you can collect their answers )

Possible answers:

Jane1. I can use a cellphone to call myParents if I miss them or if I am Late.2. I can use it to call for help.3. I can use it to stay in touch with My friends. Jane's best friend1. We don't really need cellphones.2. We are not allowed to use cellphone in school.3. It is better to use the money for Something more important.

Jane's mother 1. cellphones are too expensive2. Jane should not spend too much Time on the phone.3. Jane is too young to have a Cellphone. Jane's father1. If Jane has a cellphone, I can always find out where she is.2. A cellphone will help Jane feel safe3. Jane can use a cellphone send messages to her friends

language points.

1. solve vt. find an answer to a problem which is usually difficult to deal with

a. He didn't know how to solve the problem.

b. At last they solved the problem with the teacher's help.

2. absolutely adv (1) completely, perfectly, wholly (2 ) Sure, certainly

a. It is absolutely necessary. b. You agree? ----- Oh, absolutely.

3. agree + prep phr vi + to do sth / that clause vt

a. Do you agree with me? ---- Yes, I agree.

b. We all agree with what you said.

c. Do you agree to his plan?

d. I agree to his proposal/ arrangements.

e. The boy and the girl agreed on the date of the next meeting.

f. They agreed on making a early start.

g. He agreed to help me with my Chemistry.

h. They agreed that we should build a new library.

4. worth u.n. price or value adj (1) deserving (2 ) equal in value to

a. a jewel of great worth

b. a person of great worth

c. twenty dollars' worth of sugar

d. How much is the book worth? It's worth 80 yuan.

e. This problem is worth notice.

f. It is worth our work.

g. We work hard but it is worth it.

h. Knowledge is worth working for .

i. This problem is worth discussing carefully.

j. Whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well.

k. This problem is worth considering.

Homework: 1. Preview the text .

2. Recite the new words.

Blackboard Design:

Unit 9The First Period1. solve vt2. absolutely adv3. agree to do / that with/ on / to4. worth adj

P.S. ________________________________________________________



The 2-3 Period Reading

Teaching Aims :

1. Train the students' reading ability .

2. Learn and master the following words , phrases and sentence structure:

Throughout the world; more than; add ...to ...; remind sb about ; no matter wh - ; dare ; In case of ; break down ; room ; come up with;

Teaching Important Points :


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