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英语作为最重要的信息载体之一,已成为人类生活各个领域中使用最广泛的语言。威廉希尔app 为大家推荐了高一英语必修2第二单元教案,请大家仔细阅读,希望你喜欢。


I. Brief statements Based on the Unit

This unit mainly talks about the history of computers, robots and attitudes towards the possible development of computer, including Warming up, Reading, Comprehending, learning about language, Using language and Learning tips. All the activities focus on this topic. Through this topic, the students not only get more information about computers and robots, but also learn how to keep a right and positive attitude towards the development of computer.

In addition, the students can learn some useful language points through the materials provided in each part, especially a lot of words and phrases, which are very helpful for the students to build up vocabulary about computers. The Grammar-the Present Perfect Passive Voice is also important. The given materials and exercises give the students an opportunity to learn grammar by using it. It helps the students learn to talk about things that has happened in the past and have an effect on today's situation.

All of the activities are helpful for the students to improve their knowledge about language and their skills to use language.

II. Teaching Goals

1. Talk about the history of computer and the possible development of robots, etc.

2. Practise talking about imaginary robots.

3. Practise making decisions and reasoning

4. Learn to use the Present Perfect Passive Voice

5. Do an imaginative writing

6. Learn to write a news report.

III. Teaching Plan: (Six Periods)

1st & 2nd period: Warming-up & Reading

3rd period: learning about Language (the Present Perfect Passive Voice)

4th period: Listening & Speaking

5th period: Reading and speaking & Writing

6th period: Reading task & Writing task

7th period: Listening task & Summing up

The 1st & 2nd period: Warming-up & Reading


1. Learn about the development the computer.

2. Get the students to grasp the main idea of the passage and help them to understand the passage better.

3. Help the students to know the usage of the computer and the Internet.

4. Learn some useful words and expressions.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Warming up

Task 1 Guessing game

Show some special pictures. Get the students to guess what they are. Students may say they are a h and a toy. Tell them they are in fact computers. Present "computers".

Task 2 Guessing more

Show some information. Get the students to guess what are described.

1. I am very old now. I was born in China. Many people used me for calculating in the past, but now I am a bit lonely because they don't like me now. Do you know who I am? (abacus)

2. I am very small. I can be used for calculating. In China, a lot of students use me when solving mathematical problems. Do you know who I am? (calculator)

3. I can be used for calculating. Besides, I can also be used for watching DVD, sending e-mail and communicating through the Internet. However, I am not a PC, because I'm small enough for you to take me with you. Do you know who I am? (notebook computer)

Task 3 Discussion

Ask the students to discuss what the things they guessed in Task2 have in common. Give the students some functional sentences:

I think that...

In my opinion...

I believe that...

What's your reason?

Why do you think so?

Task4 The history of the computer

Get the students to tell the development of the history. Show pictures to help them.

Step 2 Reading

Tell the students that in this reading passage someone describes himself.

Skimming: Go over the story to find out who the speaker is. Write down 3 sentences to support your idea. (It's a computer.)

●Then in 1822 I was built as an Analytical Machine by Charles Babbage.

Itself as the analytical machine was designed by Charles Babbage (which was the first design of a computer).

●My real father was Alan Turing ....

Alan Turing was its real father (and he designed the first real computer).

●However, people thought I was simple-minded until they discovered I had "artificial intelligence".

It has artificial intelligence (which only computers have). People have natural intelligence.



Go through the text quickly to find some information and fill in the form.


The Analytical Machine was made by Charles Babbage



The first family of computers was connected to each other.



So in which order is the text organized? (time order)

True or False:

1. Alan Turing built an Analytical Machine to solve any mathematical problems.

2. People began to realize that the computer got cleverer and quicker with time passing.

3. The computer began to serve the human race since it was brought into people's homes.

4. Since the 1970s, the computer was used by people around the world through the Internet.

5. The larger the computer is, the more memory it has.

(F T F T F)

Step3 Comprehending

Task 1. Choose the best answers according to the text:

1. What's the main idea of the text? (D)

A. The computer wants to find "who he is".

B. The functional change of the computer.

C. The computer becomes popular around the world.

D. The history of the computer.

2. What can you infer from the text? (B)

A. The computer has artificial intelligence.

B. The computer changes a lot over the years.

C. The computer was not connected by a network until in the early 1960s.

D. Now the computer can only be used to deal with information.

Task2. Questions

Q1: How did the computer work as an Analytical Machine?

(The computer followed instructions from cards with holes.)

Q2: In which way did computers talk to humans?

(Using BASIC.)

Q3: What does "others" (2.6) refer to?

(Other computers.)

Q4: Why did people think the computer was simple-minded?

(Because the computer was made as a calculating machine and was used to solve mathematical problems.)

Q5: In how many ways do we say the computer changed? What are they?

? Size: Smaller (show some pictures of smaller and modern computers)

? Intelligence: cleverer

? Speed: quicker

? Function: calculating----dealing with ..., communicating with...

? People' opinion: simple-minded----clever & useful

Step 3 Language focus:

1. As the years have gone by, I have been made smaller and smaller.

go by = pass


(As time went on, computers began to be recognized by people.)


(As we grow older, our experiences become richer and richer.)

2. However, people thought I was simple-minded until they discovered I had "artificial intelligence".

simple-minded=showing very little intelligence

absent-minded 心不在焉的

open-minded 虚心的,没有偏见的

narrow-minded 心胸狭窄的

single-minded 一心一意的

strong-minded 意志坚强的

weak-minded 低能的,愚蠢的

3. And my memory became so large that I couldn't believe it!

so... that... 如此....以致于....

He was so excited that he could not speak.

He ran so fast that I couldn't catch up with him.

> so + 形容词(副词) + that....

> such + 名词 + that....


(He is so clever that we like him very much.

He is such a clever boy that we like him very much.)

so that ... = 以致于,结果是;以便,为的是(in order that)


(He got up late, so that he didn't get to school on time.)


(We left early so that we could catch the first bus.)

step4 Consolidation: Retelling:

Retell the passage according the form.


began ... calculating ...France


The Analytical Machine ... Charles Babbage


Alan Turing ... wrote ... built ...


transistors ... smaller


connected ... share ... talk ...


brought into ...


deal with ... communicate ...

Step5. Post-reading tasks

Task1 label each part

Let the students look at different parts of a computer and tell their names .

( 1. monitor, 2. screen, 3. keyboard, 4. mouse, 5. CD-ROM, 6 . hard disk. )

Match the words with the right meanings.

1 A monitor is (c) the part of the computer that looks like a television

2 The screen is (e) the part of the monitor that you look at.

3 A keyboard is (b) the part of the computer that you type on.

4 A mouse is (d) something you use to click on things (files, etc.).

5 A CD-ROM is (f) a separate disk that contains lots of information.

6 A hard disk is (a) the part of a computer that stores information.

Task2: Discussion:

Show a picture. Ask: What can you find in the picture?

(Computers are connected with each other through the Internet and help humans to communicate.)

Discussion: 1. What can the computer be used for?

(school work, games, emails, music and films, chat, information, photos, shopping.)

Show the pictures and tell the students: In the past, if we wanted to do reading, we had to carry a lot of heavy book. But now we needn't do it, we only need to surf the Internet. Our life has changed easy!

2. What about in the future?

(In the future, people will use virtual keyboards. People can also use nose-top computers, wearing keyboard-vest. In the near future, there will be a lot of robots controlled by the computer. They can do a lot of things, e.g. singing, playing the musical instrument, doing housework, etc. As we know, it is used in varieties of fields, e.g. science, operation, sports, etc. Show some pictures.)

5. Task 5 Activity: an interview(This step can be chosen according to teaching needs)

Get the students to make a dialogue in pairs, using the sample questions. One acts as the reporter, and the other Mr./Miss Computer.

Suppose you are a reporter. Now you are interviewing Mr. / Miss Computer.

Sample questions:

> What do you like to eat?

> What are your hobbies?

> What is your newest function(功能)?


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