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高一英语教案(外研版):No drugs




Learning Aims:

Knowledge and Skill

a. Enable the Ss to master the important words, understand the passage and get to know the dangers of smoking and taking drugs.

b. To get Ss to master the reading skills of scanning and skimming.

c. To get Ss to know the grammatical rule--the infinitive of purpose and the adverbial of result.

Learning Contents: Grammar 1 The infinitive of purpose

+Grammar 2 Adverbial clause of result

Learning Procedures:


Match the uses of the word to with the sentences.

A. To indicates arrangement.

B. To indicates purpose.

C. To follows certain verbs.

1. I stole something every day to pay for the drugs.

2. Teacher Wang is to meet us this afternoon.

3. He told me to take them to a shop in a nearby street.

4. I continued to buy cannabis from the same man for about six months.

Suggested answers: B A C C


How many of them break the law in order to pay for their drugs?

We can also say:

a. How many of them break the law to pay for their drugs?

b. How many of them break the law so as to pay for their drugs?

Adam went to the man so as to buy cannabis.

We can also say:

a. Adam went to the man to buy cannabis.

b. Adam went to the man in order to buy cannabis.

Summary : (1)in order to/in order not to可放于句首或句中。

(2)so as to/so as not to只可放于句中。


a. Make sentences by using to, in order to and so as to.

(1)go there,help Tom out of trouble

(2)do exercise,every day,keep healthy

(3)do everything they can,save the drug addict

Suggested answers:

(1)They go there to help Tom out of trouble.

They go there in order to help Tom out of trouble.

They go there so as to help Tom out of trouble.

(2)We do exercise every day to keep healthy. '

We do exercise every day in order to keep healthy.

We do exercise every day so as to keep healthy.

(3)They do everything they can to save the drug addict.

They do everything they can in order to save the drug addict.

They do everything they can so as to save the drug addict.

b. Make sentences using in order not to, so as not to.

(1)go to school early,not be late

(2)review his lessons carefully,not fail the exam

(3)listen attentively,not miss any words

Suggested answers:

(1)We go to school early in order not to be late.

We go to school early so as not to be late.

(2)He reviewed his lessons carefully in order not to fail the exam.

He reviewed his lessons carefully so as not to fail the exam.

(3)We listen attentively in order not to miss any words.

We listen attentively so as not to miss any words.


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