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冀教版高一英语必修一unit5教案:Literature The Dream Keeper




Section one

Step I. Greeting and speech time

Let one of the Ss give his/her speech in the front of class.

Step II. Go over the new words.

1. Listening to the tape of vocabulary and let the Ss read following it twice.

2. Have a dictation to the following words.

important ones: whisper, literature, eagle, feather, swan, beauty, muddy, peace,

sharp, familiar, identity, somehow, press, bite, expectation, statement,

content, entire, respond, material, challenge, vocabulary

Step III. Pre-reading

1. Read through the whole text and let them do the following simple questions 伴读P72

Answer the following questions.

A. Why did the girl walk into the forest one day?

B. What is the purpose of the eagle?

C. What is the purpose of the hawk?

D. What is the purpose of the hummingbird?

E. What is the purpose of the swan?

F. Did the girl find her dreams?

G. What was the dream of the girl?

2. Help the students identify the theme in this story.

Read the text more carefully and then answer the following questions.

1) What is the underlying idea?

2) What is the story trying to tell us?

3) What is the symbolic meaning?

4) What do the characters or the evens in the story stand for in the real world?

Possible answers:

1) a difficult journey

2) persistence

3) patience

4) Identifying one’s purpose in life and finding yourself and who your are.

Step IV. Language points

1. Deep into the forest

2. There is no hesitation in their flight. (There is no hesitation…)

3. fly away/ fly by /fly over

4. still 的各种含以及用法

5. from + 介词短语 :from within her heart

Section Two

Step I. Build your comprehension

1. Ask the Ss to do brain-storm: what can you see in the forest?

What can you hear in the forest?

What can you feel in the forest?

Then collect the answers to enrich their vocabulary.

2. Finish the questions (见课本58页)

Step II. Build your vocabulary

1. Finish the exercise on P58.1

2. Lead the Ss to understand the rule of forming new words by adding Adv. Suffix “ly”.

Step III. Listening skills

Listening to the tape and finish the questions 课本59页

(Answers: a. a. a. b)

Step IV. Speaking skills

1. Giving out some expressions of making suggestions.

(If you want to…? / Do you like…? / Are you interested in…? / I would like you to…/ You’d better…)

2. Asking the Ss to give suggestions in order.

3. Let the Ss work in pairs to form dialogues.

Section Three

Step I. Let Ss read the text content (课本61页).

Step II. Lead them to the conclusion of the following rules:

1. ability: can / could/ be able to

2. request & permission: can / could / may/ might / must not / shall / will / would

3. duty & obligation: should /ought / must / have to

4. intention: will / would / shall / should

5. possibility & prediction: may / might / can / could / must / will / would / ought

Step III. Exercise


1. You ________ work harder if you want to succeed.

2. ________ I have some more tea?

3. Where ________ it be? It ________ be in your desk.

4. Who ________ it be? It ________ not be the headmaster for he is now attending a meeting.

5. I ________ read English very fluently.

6. He ________ swim across the channel when was only 12.

7. It ________ rain at any moment.

8. Listen! It ________ be mother back. Let’s hurry up.

9. It ________ not be him, but I am not sure.


1. You might just as well tell the manufacturer that male customers ________ not like the design.

A. must B. shall C. may D. need

2. How ________ you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article?

A. can B. must C. need D. may

3. My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared. Who ________ have taken it?

A. should B. must C could D. would

4. —Is John coming by train?

—He should, but he ________ not. He likes driving his car.

A. must B. can C. need D. may

5. I heard they went skiing in the mountain last winter.

It ________ true because there was little snow there.

A. may not be B. won’t be

C. couldn’t D. mustn’t be

6. I hear you’ve got a set valuable Australian coins. ________ I have a look?

A. Do B. May C. Shall D. Should

Step IV. Let the Ss analyze several sentences to help them make clear about the sentence


1. In Africa I met a boy,who was crying as if his heart would break and said,when I spoke to

him,that he was hungry because he had had no food for two days.

分析: 第一,拆分句子:这个长句可以拆分为四段:In Africa I met a boy/who was crying as if his heart would break/when I spoke to him,that he was hungry because/he had had no food for two days.

第二,句子的结构分析:(1)主干结构是主语+过去式+宾语:I met a boy…。(2)crying后面是壮语从句“as if his heart would break”。(3)“when I spoke to him”是介于“said”和“that he was hungry because”之间的插入语。

2. There was little hope of continuing my inquiries after dark to any useful purpose in a neighborhood that was strange to me.

分析: 该句可分为三部分:There was little hope/continuing my inquiries after dark to any useful purpose/in a neighborhood that was strange to me.


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