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高一英语必修1教案Unit 1 Friendship(人教版)





1. to talk about friends and friendship, and interpersonal relationship

2. to practise expressing attitudes, agreement and disagreement, and certainty

3. to master some sentences about giving advice

4. to learn to use the Direct Speech and Indirect Speech(1): statements and questions

5. to learn about communication skills


1. to develop listening skills by doing exercises in listening task

2. to develop speaking skills by finishing the speaking task and other activities like discussion and oral practice

3. to develop reading skills through the reading materials in this unit

4. to learn to write a letter of advice


1. to know about friend and the real meaning of friend

2. to learn how to get along with others


1. to arouse the interest in learning English

2. to learn to express their feeling of friends and friendship

Teaching key points:

1. how to improve students’ speaking and cooperating abilities

2. learn to use the Direct Speech and Indirect Speech(1):statements and questions

3. master some words and expressions

Teaching difficult points:

1. train the students’ speaking, listening, reading and writing abilities

2. how to improve students’ cooperating abilities

Teaching methods:

Student-focus approach and task-based approach

Learning methods:

Cooperative study

Teaching aids:


The First Period (Warming up &Speaking)

Teaching aims:

1. to know about different kinds of friendship

2. to learn some words of describing friend and friendship

3. to master some useful words and expressions

Teaching methods:

1. discussing

2. cooperative learning

Teaching materials: Warming up

Teaching procedures:

Step One: Leading-in

1. Free talk: Something about friend and friendship

Ask the Ss to describe one of their friends----their appearance, personality, hobbies, etc.

Qs: What’s your friend like?

What does he/she like to do in his/her spare time?

What personality does he/she have?

Step Two: Discussion

1. Writing the following statement on the blackboard

We all agree that to have a good friend , you need to be a good friend.

2. Ask the Ss:

What do you think of this statement and how can you be a good friend?

Let the Ss express their views

3. Have the Ss get into groups of four to list some qualities of a person they would like as a friend.

Ss may list: honest, friendly, open-minded, generous, helpful, patient, good-tempered, trustworthy, careful, full of love, caring, responsible, interesting, brave, easygoing, outgoing, warm-hearted, kind, selfness, tolerant, intelligent…

4. Have a member of each group report on what their lists have and list them on the blackboard

5. Ask the class whether or not they agree with all the qualities listed

Step Three: Doing the survey and explanation

1. Have the Ss do the survey in the textbook and let them work out their score.

2. Teacher explain each item

Question 1 deal with how thoughtful you are towards others. The scoring reflects your concern for others. So one point for A gets the lowest score because it is the most selfish response. B get the highest score because it show a concern for your friend as well as your wish to go to see a film. C gets a slightly lower score because although it shows you want to go with your friend ( because you change the plan), you do not help your friend.

Question 2 is concerned with fairness. A gets the lowest score because you are not giving your friend another chance to behave better this time. B gets a higher score because you let your friend borrow the camera again. This shows kindness and forgiveness or the trouble you had when it was returned broken. But you are not balancing his heeds against your own. That is why C gets the highest score. You are showing your friend that you will trust him/her with the camera again but this time you are giving him / her rules in case it gets broken.

Question 3 deals with your concern for others. A get the lowest score because you would put anything else that needed to be done aside and concentrate only on your friend. This is not responsible. You have things that you need to do. Of course your friend is important but not more important than you responsibilities. B gets a higher score because it shows some concern for your friend and some understanding that you have important things to do too. But it does not show any real interest in his / her problem. C get the highest score because it not only shows concern for your friend but a recognition that you have responsibilities too.

Question 4 is concerned with responsibilities to a friend. A provides the correct amount of responsibility to your friend. You recognize that it was your fault and will put it right and pay for the damage. So it gets the highest score. B provides some understanding that you are responsible. You put the situation right but you do not pay for the damage yourself. So it does not get the highest score. C gets the lowest score because you expect your friend to pay for your mistakes even though you were doing your friend a favour.

Question 5 is concerned with honesty. If you let your friend look at your paper or somebody else’s paper, you are helping them to cheat. That is not honest, so answers A and C get no marks. But it takes courage to tell your friend that they should have studied and that they cannot look at your paper. That is also the honest answer. So you get 6 points for B, which is more than any other in the quiz.

Step Four: Language points

Teacher explain language points with some slides

1. add v.

1) to put together with something else so as to increase the number, size, importance, etc. 增加,


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