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高一英语第四单元教案:Travel (旅行)



A. 5:40 a.m. B. 9:00 a.m. C. 4:20 p.m. D. 11:40 p.m.

4.If you wand to take a bus in evening rush hours, you should take the bus in the Railway Station, New York City on Monday.

A. 6:20 p.m. B. 5:45 p.m. C. 4:20 p.m. D.7:15 p.m.

5.Where should passengers buy their tickets ?

A. From the bus driver before boarding the bus. B. On the bus after boarding the bus.

C. At the window with the above notice. D. At a terminal ticket window.


1.考事实询问,由发车时刻表的第一条可知,公共汽车离开New York开往Brennan的时间是在上午7:00到夜间11:30之间每隔半小时一班,故A正确。

2.考是否理解并掌握文章提供的信息。由通知中发车时刻表的第二条可得知,公共汽车离开Brennan开往New York的时间是上午6:20到夜间10:40之间,每小时的前后20分钟各有一班,根据题意,最迟一班为下午9:40,无疑正确答案为B。

3.考查细节理解。答案需要通过观察得出,由发车时刻表第二条可以了解到,公共汽车由Brennan开往New York的时间是6:20 a.m.—10:40 p.m,先排除A、D。再根据每小时的前后20分钟各有一班,可以判断出答案为C。







一、在时间和条件状语从句中的谓语动词,常不使用将来时态。在将来时间条件下,用一般现在时取代一般将来时,用一般过去时,取代过去将来时。如:I'll go there with you if it doesn't rain tomorrow.(如果明天天不下雨,我将和你去那儿。)

二、结束性、终止性动作(find, know, finish, work out, hear等)常不用进行时态。如果遇到了now(现在)、at the moment(此刻)等时间状语时,最好用现在完成时表示。如:He has finished his homework now.(现在,他已完成了他的家庭作业 。)

三、某些动词(多为表示起、止、往、返动作)的进行进态,可与表示将来的时间状语连用,表示将来发生的动作。如:I'm leaving Beijing for Shanghai next week.(下周我将离开北京去上海。)

四、某些动词的现在进行时态,可以用来表示惯常发生的动作,只不过含有某种感情色彩。如:Mum! You're always telling others about me.(妈妈!你总是逢人就讲我的故事)

五、在表示客观真理的句子中,谓语动词用一般现在时。如:The teacher told the students that the sun is much bigger than the moon. (老师告诉学生们,太阳比月亮大得多。)

六、当主句的谓语动词用了一般过去时态时,宾语从句的谓语动词则一般应该用与其相应的某种过去时态。如:He told me he would go to the United States tomorrow.(他告诉我他明天将去美国。)

七、和某一准确过去时间状语连用的某一动作,即使它在另一动作之前发生,也不用过去完成时,仍用一般过去时。如 :He told me that the was born in 1960.(他告诉我他生于1960年。)

八、在表示客气、委婉的问句中,往往用过去时态代替现在时态。如:Could you help me with English ?(您能帮助我学习英语吗?)

九、在表示不可能实现的愿望时,宾语从句的谓语动词用过去时态(虚拟语气)。I wish you were on the moon now.(我但愿你现在就在月亮上。)

十、当时间状语从句的连词before, after, as soon as, until等时,即使主从句中的两个谓语表示的动作一先一后发生在过去,先发生的动作也不用过去完成时表示,都用一般过去时。例:He didn't leave until his mother came back.(直到他母亲回来,他才离开。)



1.My father went to his doctor for some advice about his heart disease .

A. each two weeks B. each second week

C. every two weeks D. every other weeks

2.The train when we hurried into the station.

A. is leaving B. had left away C. has left D. was about to leave

3.There is nothing sand in the Sahara Desert.

A. but B. except for C. besides D. of

4.The chicken on the plate looks and smells as .

A. nice; good ;well B. well; nice; well C. good; nicely; good D. well; well ;well

5. A great change in people's thinking has in the past few years.

A. come along B. come about C. come over D. come up

6. Some important leaders have gone to the airport to Chairman Jiang.

A. send off B. put off C. see off D. turn off

7.—Have a nice weekend!

— .

A. The same to you B. You do too C. The same as you D. You have a too

8.These plants are watered .

A. each othe day B. every other day C. each of two days D. every of two days

9.The doctor will be free .

A.10 minutes later B. after 10 minutes C. in 10 minutes D.10 minutes after

10.The price of oil is than before.

A. a little cheaper B. more high C. more expensive D. much lower

11.—My dress is made silk. What about yours ?

—Mine is made Mum's old things.

A. from; of B. of; from C. of ; of D. from; from

12. Please say Hello to Mr.Wang me when him tomorrow.

A. for; to see B. from; seeing C. through; see D. by; you will see

13.Nobody but I about the matter.

A. knows B. have known C. know D. is knowing

14.In the evening I loved sitting the fire and the guitar.

A. on; played B. by; played C. beside; to play D. by; playing

15.Don't tie your horse such a young tree, ?

A. with; do you B. on; do C. to; will D. in; would


1.选C。every two weeks=every second week =every other week每两周。英语中表示“每……”时常用every,不用each。但表示“在……两旁”中不用every。如:on each side of the river=on both sides of the river =on either side of the river在河的两岸。2.选D。可从时态上判断。leave表“离开”时不需再加away。该句可以从“火车正要离开、火车已经离开、火车正徐徐离开”理解。3.选A。nothing but /except=only仅仅,除了……以外什么也没有,只不过。又如:Nothing but miracle can save him.只有出现奇迹才能挽救得了他。4.选A。look, smell作系动词后接形容词。as well“也”。句意为:盘中的鸡肉不仅看起来让人垂涎欲滴,闻起来也让人感到味道好极了。5.选B。come about发生、变化。6.选C。see off送行。7.选A。也同样祝愿对方时在交际英语中常用:The same to you。8.选B。every other day =every two days =every second。9.选C。表将来时用in介词短语,而A、B、D选项用于过去时态。10.选D。价格论高低,物品论贵贱。11.选A。在表示“由……制造”时:be made of (可看出原材料),be made from (看不出原材料),be made into(某物被制造成)。如:These glasses are made of glass.这些玻璃环是用玻璃制造的。=Glass can be made into glasses.玻璃可以被制造成玻璃杯。12.选B。say Hello to sb from sb =give one's regards to sb代某人向……问好。句子后部的时间状语从句用现在时代替将来时,when seeing =when you see。13.选A。由as well as, nothing but, rather than连接的并列名词作主语时,谓语与前面的一致。作“知道;了解”讲,know不用进行时态。14.选D。by the fire在火边。love后可接不定式或者动名词,但本句中与前面的sitting由and连接作并列的宾语。15.选C。tie…to系……到……否定祈使句后的反意疑问句用will you。





Unit 4创新园地答案

During the weekend I travelled by air for the first time in my life . I usually travel by train or by bus. It is both cheaper and safer. But to fly in the sky was something new to me . At the beginning I felt a little nervous. But very soon I became excited when I found myself high up in the sky among the clouds. I also found that the mountains, fields, and rivers were interestingly small. I enjoyed my short and comfortable journey very much. After all, it is more interesting to take a plane than to take a car.



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