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高一英语第四单元教案:Travel (旅行)



注意区别:be about to do不与表示将来的具体时间状语连用。be going to do可以表示与将来的时间状语连用。

6.The same to you .祝你也如此。如:A: Happy New Year to you ! B: The same to you .

注意区别:(1)A: Have a good holiday! B: Thanks .The same to you .

(2) A: Happy birthday to you ! B: Thank you very much.

(3) A: Congratulations on your success! B: Thanks a lot .

7.get back =come back =return回来,返回。

8.tie…to …把……系在……

9.take off起飞;脱下。

10.every two years每两年。every second year=every other year每隔一天。

注意区别:every three days每三天=every third day每隔两天。every four days每四天=every fourth day每隔三天。every two kilometres每隔一公里(或者:每两公里)。every few hours每过几小时。这说明要用“每隔……”翻译成汉语时,要把英语中的数字减去一。如:The old man went to hospital every five days.那老汉每隔四天就去看一次病。There are buses to the station every ten minutes.每十分钟就有公共汽车去火车站。I went to see a film every two weeks.我每隔一星期去看一次电影。Please take the medicine every four hours .这药要每四小时服一次。(即每隔三小时)

11.in South America在南美洲

12.play the guitar弹奏吉他。有时也用:play one's guitar弹某人的吉他。

13.for miles and miles连绵数英里

14.stay long呆很久

15.for one or two years =for a year or two一两年

16.20 centimetres thick 20厘米厚

17.nothing but =nothing except =only只有。如:He has eaten nothing but a few pieces of bread since Sunday.

18.How long does the journey take you ?你旅行用了多长时间?


Good Wishes, Congratulations and Responses (祝愿、祝贺和应答)

(1)Idiomatic Sentences功能套语

请对方代你问候某人用:give one's regards to sb =give one's best wishes to sb =give one's best love to sb =give one's best regards to sb代向某人问候。如:Do give my best regards to your parents./say“Hi”/“Hello”to sb from sb =give one's regards to sb替某人向……问好。

Have a nice/good time./Good luck.祝你好运!/Have a good trip!祝旅途愉快!祝一路顺风!/How about you?你觉得怎样?/Best wishes to you !向你致以最良好的祝愿。/Congratulations!恭喜!/Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!/Happy birthday to you !/Happy New Year!/You won the first place. I'd like to be the first to congratulate you upon it . /Many congratulations on your happy birthday!/A merry Christmas and a happy New Year !/Happy Spring Festival!祝春节愉快!/I wish you good health./Good luck and success to you !/I wish you great success in your work in the future .祝你在今后的工作中取得更大的成就。/I wish you lots of happiness !/May everything you want come true ! 祝心想事成!/May New Year bring you all good things. 祝新年万事如意!/Best season greetings!衷心祝节日愉快!

(2)Model Dialogues交际示范

Sara:Good evening, Mick. I'm so glad you could come.

Mick:Good evening, Sara.

Sara:Please come in and take a seat.

Mick:Happy birthday to you, Sara. This is for you.

Sara:A gift for me ?

Mick:Sure. Congratulations on this happy day.

Sara:Thank you. (Open the gift)Oh, it's lovely and very beautiful.

Mick:I'm glad you like it .


本单元复习现在进行时的基本用法。了解现在进行时表示将来的特殊用法。区别be about to do, be going to do, will/shall do。现在进行时在测试中经常以不同语境出现,必须引起高度的重视。




(1)表示此刻正进行的或者发生的动作,时间状语now, at the moment可有可无。如:Look! Dark clouds are gathering./He's playing a joke on me ./We're busy at the moment. I'm selling cigarette. My father is selling some sweets.

(2)表示现阶段正进行而此刻不一定在进行的动作。时间状语now, these days可有可无。如:She is studying law while her brother is studying medicine./How are you getting along with your studies these days?/I usually get up at seven, but I'm getting up at six every day this week./Is she working hard in the factory ?

(3)表示按计划安排近期将要发生的动作。常用于这种用法的动词有:go, come, do start, leave, arrive, return, begin, move, join, finish, drive等。如:We are meeting him after the meeting./ We're going to London next week./Mr.Zhang is leaving for Shanghai in a few days.

(4)用在时间或者条件状语从句中表示将来正进行的动作。如:I'll think about it while you're writing the report./When you are talking with him, take care not to mention this ./Will you post this letter for me if you are passing a post-box? If you are standing at the corner when I pass, I'll give you a lift into town.

(5)表示在刚刚过去的时间中发生的动作。如:I don't know what you're talking about. /you don't believe it ?you know I'm telling the truth.

(6)动词hope, wonder用现在进行时表示委婉的口气。如:I'm hoping you'll give us some advice. /I'm hoping you can come and have lunch with me .I've been wanting to ask you for a long time. /I'm wondering if I may have a word with you./We are wondering if you have any suggestion.

(7)现在进行时和一般现在时的区别在于:表示现在经常性的动作用一般现在时,而表示现在暂时性的动作则用现在进行时。如:My watch works perfectly./My watch is working perfectly.

Always, continually, constantly, forever等与现在进行时连用往往带有喜、怒、赞扬、愤恨、讨厌、不满等的感情色彩。而用一般现在时只表示事实。如:John does fine work at school./He is always thinking of how he could do more for the people .(赞场)/He is constantly leaving things about.(讨论与不满)/She is always changing her clothes.(厌烦与嫉妒)


A visitor visits an island where two tribes(部落) live. One tribe always tells the truth and the other always lies. The truth-tellers live on the western side of the island, and those who lie live on the eastern side. The visitor wants to determine whether the native beside him is a truth teller or not by asking only one question. He tells the native to go and ask that native in the distance which side of the island he lives on .When the messenger returns, he says to the visitor, “He says he lives on the western side of the island.”

Is the messenger a truth-teller? How can the visitor be sure ?

1.The native in the distance says he lives on the western side of the island. According to his answer, which conclusion of the following is WRONG?

A. He may live on the eastern side of the island.

B. He may live on the western side of the island.

C. He may be telling the truth.

D. He can't be telling the truth.

2.According to the messenger's answer, the visitor can conclude that .

A. the messenger lives on the western side of the island because he tells the truth

B. the messenger probably lives on the eastern side of the island because his answer may be a lie

C. it is hard to determine whether the messenger is a truth-teller or not

D. the messenger probably lives on the western side of the island because his answer nay be true

3.The visitor himself doesn't go and ask the question of that native in the distance, because .

A. he is sure that the native beside him is a truth-teller

B. he wants to decide which side of the island the messenger lives on according to his answer to the question.

C. he wants to decide which side of the island that native in the distance lives on according to the messenger's answer

D. he can't express himself in the native language

4.If the visitor goes to ask the native in the distance himself and decide which side of the island he lives on, the cleverest question should be“ ?”

A. Which side of the island do you live on

B. Do you live on the western side of the inland?

C. You live on this island, don't you

D. Do you like to tell lies or tell the truth

5.Which title of the following is the best?

A. Visiting a Strange Island B. A Funny Story

C.A Clever Question D. The Visitor and the Messenger



1.选D。句中的can't在此是“不可能”,不是“可能不”,表示绝对否定,这不合事实。其它中的may都以合乎逻辑而起干扰项。2.选A。关键在于承认这一事实:只要“the messenger”带回的话是“远处的人说他住在岛的西边”,那么“the messenger”就属于说实话部落的人。3.选B。事实是,远处的人回答只有一种:他住岛西边,否则,带话者在撒谎。4.选C。选项A,问不出所以然;选项B,东边和西边人都会说住在岛的西边;选项D,无论对方是哪边人,都会说自己说的是实话,只有C,才能置对方于“两难境地”,如果说他是说谎部落的人,他的回答必然是“不住在岛上”,这是与事实相矛盾的。5.选C。从无论是测试the native beside him的问题,还是测试the native in the distance的问题,你不能不认为此篇最贴切的标题是“聪明的问题”。


The following notice is posted in a bus terminal(终点站).Time Table:

—Buses leave the Railway Station, New York City, from 7:00a.m. every half-hour thereafter(此后),until 11:30p.m.(7 days a week)

—Buses leaves the Brennan Station 20 minutes before and after every hour from 6:20 a.m. to 10:40 p.m.(7 days a week)

—Evening rush hours(5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.):Buses leave the Railway Station, New York City, every 15 minutes.(Monday-Friday)

—Holidays: Buses leave every hour on the hour, each direction.(Trip time:30 minutes each way)

—All tickets must be bought at window 12,the Railway station. New York City, or at the Brennan Station Window BEFORE boarding buses.

1.At which time does a bus leave New York for Brennan on Thursday ?

A. 8:30 a.m. B. 10:15 a.m. C. 3:15 p.m. D.11:45 p.m.

2.Which is the lastest bus you could take from Brennan if you had to meet a friend in New york at 10:20 a.m. on Friday ?

A. The 8:00 a.m. bus. B. The 9:40 a.m.bus.

C. The 8:40 a.m. bus. D. The 9:20 a.m.bus.

3.Which is the latest bus you could take from Brennan if you had to meet a friend in New york at 10:20 a.m. on Friday ?


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