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全新高一英语Unit 2 Heroes导学教案



全新高一英语Unit 2 Heroes导学教案

本文是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的《高一英语Unit 2 Heroes导学教案》的文章,希望大家能够喜欢!

Tips: All of our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. 所有梦想都能成真,只要你有勇气去追求。

Learning goals:1.背会本课重点词汇的用法


Important learning points:1. Listening Strategies

2. Listening Practice. 3. Speaking practice

Step 1 Recite the words(A级)

Step 2 Phrases (B级)

1. 起飞 ,发射升空 2.. 从…选择

3. 与… 相飞离 与…分开 4. 因为…

5. 零重力 6. 第六次

7. 和…谈话,和…商量 8. 能,能够…

9. 表达…的愿望 10. 成百上千万的…

11. 遍及,处处 12. 爬出…

13. 向人群挥手 14. 叫救护车

15. 入狱,坐牢 16. 为…而斗争

17. 从….学到… 18. 在…看来

Step 3 Listening practice (B级)

Listen to the tape and decide if the sentences below are True or False.

1. Martin Luther King was from the United States.

2. Martin’s first experience of racism was with a bus driver.

3. His first victory was to win the equal rights for blacks to sit on buses.

4. He went to prison sixteen times for organizing protests.

5. He organized a match to Washington in 1963.

6. He made a famous speech there beginning with the words:“I have a dream…”

7. He received the Noble Peace Prize in 1965.

8. A white man killed him in 1968.

Step 4难点解析(C级)

1. Page24 part2

Personally, Dr Sun Yat-sen is important .翻译:

▲ personally adv.相当于in my opinion,用于发表自己的看法。也常用Personally speaking, ﹢句子。


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