来源:互联网 编辑:sx_haohm
编者按:威廉希尔app 为广大考生朋友整理了高考英语语法典型习题,希望对考生复习有一定的帮助,同学一起来学习吧!
高考英语语法典型习题 名词性从句:主语、表语、宾语与同位语从句及其连接代词、连词与副词
1. It didn’t surprise us at all ________ he was post to Hong Kong.
A) why B) how C) what D) that
2. Dr. Smith comes from either Yale or Harvard I can’t remember ________.
A) where B) there C) which D) that
3. You can depend on ________ promise he makes.
A) anything that B) which C) whatever D) whose
4. The main fact(or)s in human life are five: birth, food, sleep, love and death. (One could increase the number— add breathing for instance— but these five are the most obvious.) Let us ask ourselves ________ our lives.
A) they play in what part B) they play what part in
C) what part they play in D) in what part they play
5. I really don’t see ________.
A) what is the fun of playing dead B) what the fun of playing dead is
C) what fun to play dead is D) what is the fun to play dead
6. A look at recent trends in world fisheries reveals ________ the ocean on a global scale.
A) how we have swiftly affected B) that how swiftly we have affected
C) how swiftly we have affected D) however swiftly we have affected
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