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【编者按】威廉希尔app 高中频道为广大朋友编辑了“高中英语学习方法:状语从句专项练习题”,希望对广大朋友有所帮助!

1. It worried her a bit     her hair was turning grey.

A.while   B.that    C.if       D.for

2.she is a rich woman is known to all in the city.

A.X    B.That    C.Who    D.Because

3     the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing is not known yet.

A.Whenever     B.If         C.Whether    D.That

4.The reason why I burst into tears is      I don't want to part with my mother.

A.that     B.which    C.X      D.because

5.The difficulty lies     we have no money.

A.that     B.in that     C.in the fact     D.in the fact that

6.They want to know     do to help us.

A.what can they         B.how can they C.how they can          D.what they can

7.comes back first is supposed to win the prize.

A.Those who   B.Anyone   C.Whoever   D.The one

8.The old gentleman never fails to help     is in need of his help.

A.whom    B.who    C.whoever      D.whomever

9.I don't remember     Mr.Li bought for his wife.

A.what     B.when    C.how      D.where

10.Smith came here to look for someone, but I didn't know     was the one he was looking for.

A.whatever   B.whomever C.who     D.whom

11.puzzled the police especially was how the murderer died.

A.The thing    B.That    C.What     D.Which

12.He seems different from     he used to be.

A.that     B.which     C.what     D.who

13.You can depend on     promise he makes.

A.anything that B.which   C.whatever     D.whose

14.is worth doing well.

A.Whatever is worth doing at all      B.That is worth doing at all

C.What is worth doing it at all       D.Whatever is worth doing it at all

15.A man's worth lies not so much in     he has as in     he is .

A.that; what   B.what; what   C.that; that;   D.what; that

16.you are the first one here.

A.It seems that as if           B.It seemed that

C.It seems as if               D.it seemed as though

17.It is not     I won't do it ,      I can't do it.

A.what;but that      B.that;but that

C.because; but what   D.because; but because

18.Give it to     you think can do the work well.

A.who   B.whoever   C.whomever   D.whatever

19.Is the river     through that town very large?

A.that flows B.flows C.that flowing D.which flowing

20.That's the Science Museum     we visited last year.

A.where   B.whom C.to which   D.X

21.There is no child     love     parents.

A.who do not; their      B.who does not ; his

C.who do not;his        D.who does not;their

22.Watch the girl and her dog     are crossing the bridge.

A.which   B.who     C.they    D.that

23.Who     knows him would believe him?

A.whom   B.that   C.which   D.who

24.His parents wouldn't let him marry anyone     family was poor.

A.of whom   B.whom   C.of whose   D.whose

25.The building     windows are bright at night is our school library.

A.that    B.which   C.whose   D.of which

26.There is a mountain      the top is always covered with snow.

A.of that B.of which   C.its    D.that

27.I will hire the man      they say is a good English speaker.

A.who  B.that   C.which   D.whom

28.You may stay      you like.

A.long   B.then   C.at which   D.where

29.Is this museum     some German friends visited the day before yesterday?

A.which B.that   C.where   D.the one

30.Keep away from such things     will do you harm.



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