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带有宾语从句的复合句就是用连接词把一个主句和一个宾语从句连接在一起。连接词有:that(可省略),what, who, when, where, why, which, if, whether, how.

1 He suggested (that) we should clean the corridor every day.


2 He told me (that) he would leave Dalian airport at 8pm.

间接宾语 直接宾语

3 He told me where he was going to travel that summer.

间接宾语 直接宾语

4 He wanted to know what the manager had said at the meeting.

who hadn’t passed the exam.

when she would leave this building.

why she cried last night.

where she was going to study.

which student was his partner in the short play.

if (whether) Tom could play basketball with him that morning.

how she managed to solve the problem.

why water flows from a high position to a lower position.


5 He is wanting to know what I can cook for dinner.

who broke the window yesterday.

when I can have a holiday.

why I failed the exam yesterday.

where I should have dinner with my friend tonight.

which book is the best one.

if (whether) I have passed the exam.

how my cat escaped from the room last night.



A 宾语从句必须用陈述语序。

False: He is wondering when can he finish this difficult job.

Right: He is wondering when he can finish this difficult job.

B 有时候可以用it 作形式宾语,而把真正的宾语从句放在后面。

Bad: I thought that he could finish this job in just two hours impossible.

Good: I thought it impossible that he could finish this job in just two hours.

Bad: He left whether we should continue this project to my judgment.

Good: He left it to my judgment whether we should continue this project.

C 带有宾语从句的复合句的否定形式一般是否定主句。

Bad: I think he doesn’t like the English teacher.

Good: I don’t think he likes the English teacher.

D 主句一般过去时态,从句也要用过去时态;具体细节请看第一部分。

False: He wanted to know why he is crying in the corner.

Right: He wanted to know why he was crying in the corner.

宾语从句的点点滴滴 宾语从句是英语复合句中的其中非常重要的从句之一。它是用一个句子做另一个句子的宾语,将这个句子叫做宾语从句。宾语从句做介词或及物动词的宾语。现在从下列三个方面总结归纳如下:


A,由that 引导的陈述句性的宾语从句,在很多动词如say, think, wish , hope, see, believe, agree, expect, hear , feel等动词后。连词that只起连接作用,在从句中不做句子的成分,也无词汇意义,在口语中常被省略,但在大多数情况下还是以不省为好,特别是在笔语中。

例:I told him that he was wrong.

l在think,believe, suppose, expect等动词引起的宾语从句中,有时谓语尽管是否定意义,却不用否定形式,而将think 等动词变为否定形式。

例:I don’t think you are right. (我认为你做的不对)


例:We think it wrong that he told a lie to everyone (我认为他向每一个人撒谎是错误的)

B,由连词if、 whether 引导的表示“是否…”的宾语从句。Whether,if 在从句中不做句子的成分,一般情况下,whether和if 可以替换。

例:I don’t know if/whether he will come tomorrow.

The teacher asked if/whether we had finished the experiment.


例:Everything depends on whether we have enough money。

l宾语从句中有or not时不用if引导.

例:I don’t know whether the movie star will come or not.


例:Whether to go there or not hasn’t been decided.

C,由wh-引导的宾语从句。连接代词who,whom,whose, what, which,和连接副词when, where, why, how 等连接的宾语从句,它们在句中即有连接从句的作用,又在句中充当句子的成分。

例:Do you know which film they are talking about? (which做定语)

I don’t know where he lives. (where 做地点状语)



例:I believe that they will come soon.

He asked me whether I was a teacher.

They wanted to know what they can do for us.



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