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"I love you" might be one of the most important combinations of three words in the English language. It's the signal that a romantic relationship is serious, an indication of closeness for a sibling, parent, or child, and a constant refrain for pop songs.

“I love you”可能是英语中三个词组成的最重要的一句话了。它是认真对待恋爱关系的标志,它是兄弟姐妹、父母或孩子之间亲密程度的象征,它也是流行歌曲副歌部分的常见内容。

In Mandarin, "I love you" translates as “我爱你” (Wo ai ni), but the way it's used in China might be a little different, and Chinese state media is wondering why.

“I love you”用普通话说是“我爱你”,但是这句话在中国的用法可能有点儿不同,中国的官方媒体也想知道原因。

The Global Times reports that two online videos showing children telling their parents "I love you" have gone viral in China. The first, filmed by an Anhui TV station, shows a number of college students telling their parents they love them. The response are mixed. "Are you drunk?" asked one parent. In another similar video, shot by a Shanxi TV station, a father responded even more bluntly — "I am going to a meeting, so cut the crap."


Even the positive reactions make it clear that the words are expressed rarely: "I am so happy you called to say that, it is the happiest thing that happened to me in 2014," one parent answered.

即使是正面的回应,父母清楚地表明这句话用的很少:“我很高兴你打电话说这句话,这是我2014年最开心的一件事了。” 有个家长这样回答。



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