【摘要】复习的重点一是要掌握所有的知识点,二就是要大量的做题,威廉希尔app 的编辑就为各位考生带来了2014年高三英语阅读素材:开发你无限潜力的9个问题
Do you ever feel like you have the potential to do great things with your life, but just aren’t sure how to start? I know that feeling very well, as it’s taken me years of reflection to figure out what activities make me feel happy and fulfilled. I hope this article will give you a gentle shove in the right direction. Simply answer these nine questions to unlock your potential.
1. If I could only accomplish one thing before I die, what would that be?
Not two, three, or four things: what one thing do you want to achieve, accomplish, or experience more than anything else? Once you figure that out, pursue it with every ounce of hustle you’ve got, because life is too precious for regret.
2. What are the top three things that make me feel happy and fulfilled?
This could be training, coaching or teaching other people; writing books, blogs or articles; spending time with your children, partner or loved ones; enjoying nature activities like hiking, camping or rafting; or maybe you’re a wandering soul who wants to travel to all of the places. Figure out your top three things, and build your schedule around them for a happier existence.
可能是培训、 指导或教其他人;写书、博客或文章;陪孩子、伴侣或所爱的人;享受大自然的活动如远足、野营或划船;也许你有颗自由的灵魂,想去世界各地旅游。想清楚最能让你开心和满足的三件事,围绕着它们来安排活动,这样你会更加开心。
3. What are the top three things that distract me from enjoying my life?
Being interrupted by buzzing, chirping and ringing every time you get a text or call? Turn your phone off unless your children are at school, or you’re expecting a very important call (otherwise it can wait, I promise, voicemail exists for a reason).
So stressed out by your job that you can’t find the energy to think about anything else? Find another one (or even better, start your own biz).
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