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高中英语阅读:己所不欲 勿施于人

来源:互联网 编辑:sx_haohm


编者按:威廉希尔app 为广大考生朋友整理了高中英语阅读资料,同学一起来学习吧!

This is a true story, the story of a country in Africa. The implementation of the white government of that country, "apartheid" policy does not allow dark-skinned white people into specific public places. Whites and blacks do not like to travel, that they are the inferior race, less fear.

One day, there is a long beach of Foreign Babes in the sun, due to fatigue, she fell asleep. When she awoke, the sun has been down.

At this time. She felt hungry, we walked into a restaurant near the beach

She pushed open the door into the room, choose a chair to sit down and Zhang window. She sat for about 15 minutes. The waiter did not come to entertain her. She looked at those who are busy waitress to wait on her customers also later, is dismissive of her. She became filled with anger. Go ask those who would like to usher.

When she stood up and was going forward, the eyes have a large mirror. She looked at myself in the mirror, eyes are not tears.

It turned out that she had been a sun tan.

At this point, she realized that black people really allow discrimination by whites taste!

• Revelation

Whether to do anything, we have to look at for the sake of others. As Confucius said: "do not want to own, not giving people." As a responsible promoters, should have a business ethics and not only make more profit, and does not require hardware or quality to customers products to the poor He Just imagine, if you suffer from this treatment, how will it taste?



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