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1. devote

【考纲释义】 vt. 投入;献身

The old lady devoted himself entirely to education career. 那位老人将一生奉献给了教育事业。

Sue devoted most of her time and energy to caring for the kids. 苏将绝大多数时间和精力都献身于照料孩子们。


devote (one's life / time / energy / money / oneself) to (doing) sth...献身于;专心于

注意:该短语中to是介词,后面接名词或动词-ing。常见的类似短语还有:lead to(导致......); look forward to(盼望......);pay attention to (注意......); prefer...to(相比......更喜欢......); stick to (坚持......)。

be devoted to sth. / sb. / doing sth.致力于、贡献于。

devotion n.献身、贡献

2. reward

【考纲释义】 vt & n. 酬谢,给予报答;报酬,奖金

My father promised to reward me with a big chocolate.父亲承诺奖励我一块大巧克力。

He worked hard without much reward. 他工作很努力,但是报酬很少。


in reward (for...)作为(对......的)报酬、报答;give a reward to sb. for sth. 为......给某人报酬、赏金; reward sb. for (doing) sth. 因......报答、奖赏某人; reward sb. with sth.用......报答、奖赏某人



3. equal

【考纲释义】 adj. 平等的;相等的v. 等于,和......相媲美n. 相当;平手

Women demand equal pay for equal work.女性要求同工同酬。

All people are born equal. 人人生来平等。

He equals me in strength but not in intelligence.他和我力气相当,但是智力不如我。

It's a relief to find a boss who treats employees as equals.能碰到一个平等对待员工的老板真是令人欣慰。


be equal with 与......平等

be equal to 等于;相当于;胜任;经得起

I'm not equal to the position.我不能胜任这个职位。

They hoped that the black could be equal with the white.他们希望黑人和白人能够平等。

equalityn. 平等

equallyadv. 相等的,相同的

4. advise

【考纲释义】 vt. 建议

Mr. Smith advised us to practise oral English as often as possible. = Mr. Smith advised that we (should) practise oral English as often as possible.史密斯先生建议我们要尽可能地多练口语。


advise sb. on sth. 就......给某人出主意

n. / pron. 建议......

v. advise + sb. to do sth. 建议某人干......

advise (one's) doing sth. 建议(某人)干......

advise (that) sb. (should) do

n. advice建议;意见(不可数名词)

a piece of advice一条建议

go to sb. for advice = ask sb. for advice向某人寻求建议;征询某人的意见

give advice to sb. on sth.就......对某人提供建议

follow sb's advice = take sb's advice接受某人的建议

5. attack

【考纲释义】 n. 进攻,袭击,侵害 v. 攻击,进攻,发作

He died of a heart attack. 他死于心脏病发作。

She started attacking the burglar with a piece of wood.她开始用一块木头猛打进屋行窃的小偷。


be / come under attack 遭到袭击

make an attack on / against 攻击,袭击

attack sb. with sth.用......袭击

attack sb. for sth.因......袭击

Once again we came under attack for the firing of 50 employees. 公司因裁员50人而遭到猛烈抨击。


1. lose heart 丧失勇气或信心

Though he failed many times, but he never lost heart. 他失败了许多次,但他并没有失去信心。

Whatever you do, you can't lose heart. 不管你做什么,千万不要失去信心。


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