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期中考试是为了检验本学期的学习成果,威廉希尔app 高中频道整理了高一英语上册期中考试必备知识点复习:重点词汇,供大家复习!


Ignore(1-1朋友) Upset(1-1朋友) Trust(1-1朋友) suffer(1-1朋友) communicate (1-1朋友)Include(1-2英语) Recognize(1-2英语)request (1-2英语) persuade(1-3游记)determine(1-3游记) Destroyed(1-4地震)shake(1-4地震) organize(1-4地震) burst(1-4地震) Attract(1-5英雄) accept(1-5英雄)advise(1-5英雄) shine(shone) (2-1古迹)Compete(2-1古迹) survive(2-1古迹)  remain(2-1古迹)  remove(2-1古迹)  consider(2-1古迹)admit(2-2奥运) create(2-3电脑) arise(arose, arisen) (2-3电脑)wander(2-3电脑) Attack(2-4生物)apply (2-4生物) bite(bit, bitten) (2-4生物) protect(2-4生物)  contain (2-4生物) perform(2-5音乐)

1.         A cultural relic is something thatsurvived for a long time. (2-1古迹) The buildings survived the earthquake. (1-4地震)

2.         The candles lit the room. (2-1古迹)

3.         What upsetsyou most about the project? (2-2奥运) Children will not be allowed to make a noise and upsetthe competitors. (2-2奥运) I do not want to upset my friends. (2-4生物)

4.         What amazes you most about the modern Olympics? (2-2奥运)

5.         The chair began to rise. (2-4生物) We hope the number of panda will soon rise. (2-4生物)Their number has grown rapidly. (2-4生物)

6.         Don’t endangerwild animals any more. (2-4生物)

7.         Rubbing protects me from mosquitoes. (2-4生物)

8.         The insect containsa powerful drug. (2-4生物)

9.         The drug affectsmosquitoes. (2-4生物) What he did affects the wildlife in his area. (2-4生物)

10.     No one could recognize me. (2-3电脑)Even when he wore sunglasses people recognizehim. (2-5音乐)

11.     Pretend that you are a judge. (2-1古迹) Close your eyes and pretend you are Coco Li. (2-5音乐) They pretended to sing the song. (2-5音乐)

12.     No one will be pardoned. (2-2奥运)

13.     Make a poster to advertisea sporting event. (2-2奥运)

14.     They will be given time totour Beijing. (2-2奥运)

15.     The olive wreath has beenreplaced. (2-2奥运)

16.     We can work together tocreate an even better system. (2-3电脑)

17.     A new situation arises. (2-3电脑)

18.     My mind wanders. (2-3电脑)

19.     I’d like to exploreideas about this sport. (2-3电脑)

20.     They setthe number of animals to be hunted. (2-4生物)

21.     A bear is about to approach a boy. (1-2英语)

22.     An outline will prepareyou to write a better story. (1-4地震)

23.     The village can’t afford to build a school. (1-3游记)

24.     The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights. (1-5英雄)


block(1-2英语) Share(1-1朋友) concern (1-1朋友) shock(1-4地震) rescue(1-4地震) trap(1-4地震)honor(1-4地震) rise(1-4地震) design(2-1古迹) interview(2-1古迹) heat(2-1古迹)  doubt(2-1古迹)promise(2-2奥运) Roll(2-5音乐) form(2-5音乐) Reward(2-1古迹) (1-5英雄) injure (1-4地震)

1.         Write a short reply to the letter. (2-1古迹)

2.         The earthquake hit Alaska. (1-4地震) a big hit(2-5音乐)

3.         The number was small before concern. (2-4生物)

4.         The search for the relic continued. (2-1古迹)

5.         It’s a great honor. (2-2奥运) I had the honor to be chosen again. (2-3电脑) They compete against each other for the honorof winning. (2-2奥运) The park was built to honor those who helped the survivors. (1-4地震) I am honored that you would ask me for advice. (2-5音乐)

6.         I have a good shot for a goal. (2-3电脑)

7.         Do this several times until everyone has had a go. (1-5英雄)

8.         Go straight for twoblocks. (1-2英语)

9.         The job was areward for what I had done for the boss.(1-5英雄)


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