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北师大版高一英语必修1Unit1 Lifestyles重点词汇



英语的学习首先是词汇的掌握,以下是高一英语必修1Unit1 Lifestyles重点词汇的内容,请参考。


· 原文再现

Talk about your own lifestyle, and find out about other people's.    谈论你自己的生活方式,并了解别人的生活方式。 · 基本用法

lifestyle  n. 生活方式;生活时尚   You should throw over your lifestyle.    你应该改变你的生活方式。

My healthy lifestyles help me get good grades.    我健康的生活方式帮我去得好成绩。


· 基本用法

peaceful  adj. 和平的,爱好和平的;平静的

China is a peaceful country and Chinese people are very friendly.    中国是一个爱好和平的国家,中国人民都很友好。


peace(n.) 和平;平静----peaceful(adj.)和平的;平静的   stress(n.)压力-----stressful (adj.)有压力的

The distant country is so peaceful that I don’t want to go back to the noisy city.   遥远的乡村如此宁静以至于我不想返回喧闹的城市。   It was a very stressful time for all of them.   对于他们所有的人来说,那时一段艰难时期。 · 知识拓展   相关单词

peace  n. 和平,宁静;平和

peacefully  adv. 和平地;安静地


in peace 处于和平的状态;平静地   He can't live in peace with his neighbors.    他不能和他的邻居和平共处。


· 基本用法

stressful  adj. 紧张的;有压力的   It was a very stressful time for all of them.   对于他们所有的人来说,那时一段艰难时期。


peace(n.) 和平;平静----peaceful(adj.)和平的;平静的    stress(n.)压力-----stressful (adj.)有压力的

The distant country is so peaceful that I don’t want to go back to the noisy city.   遥远的乡村如此宁静以至于我不想返回喧闹的城市。 · 知识拓展   相关单词

stress  n.  压力;强调;紧张;重要性             v.  强调;使紧张;施加压力于   What's the source of your problem and stress?   你们的问题和压力根源在哪里?




· 基本用法

relaxing  adj. 令人放松的;感到轻松的   I am expecting a relaxing family holiday.    我正在期待着一个轻松的家庭假期。

relaxed  adj. 感到放松的   The film made me relaxed.    这部电影让我感到放松。


有一类动词后面加ing和ed转化为形容词。加ing表“令人...的”,加ed表“使人感到...的”如,boring/bored;   exciting/excited; interesting/interested; relaxing/relaxed; terrifying/ terrified; amazing/ amazed等。   The book is interesting.   这本书很有意思。

I am interested in the book.   我对书很感兴趣。


· 基本用法

suppose  vt. 认为,猜想;假定,假设

I don’t suppose he’ll agree, or I’m sure he won’t agree.    我认为他不会同意的。

It was generally supposed that it would not happen again.   一般认为这事不会再发生了。   She’ll be there today, I suppose.    她今天会在那儿的,我认为。

Suppose you had a million pounds --- how would you spend it?   假设你有一百万英镑,你会怎样花它?

· 知识拓展

近义表达法:supposing (= if) 如果,假设

Supposing that it rains, can we play the match indoors?    如果明天下雨的话,我们能在室内打比赛吗?   相关短语

be supposed to do sth. (= be expected to do sth.) 被期望做某事 / 应该做某事

You’re supposed to pay the bill by Friday.


You’re not supposed to play football in the classroom.    你不应该在教室里踢足球。


· 原文再现

My family complains about it.    我的家人总是抱怨。 · 基本用法

complain  v. 投诉;抱怨;控诉   He is always complaining.   他整天发牢骚。

They never complained about working overtime.    他们对加班加点从不抱怨。

He complained that the examination was too hard.    他抱怨考试太难了。

He complained that his meal was cold.    他抱怨说他的饭菜冷了。 · 知识拓展   相关句型

complain (to sb)about sth.向某人埋怨某事   complain of(doing) sth. 抱怨某事/做某事   complain that „ 抱怨做„„

She complained to me about his rudeness.   她向我抱怨他的粗鲁。

Do you complain of these symptoms more at night? 你是否在晚上时对这些症状抱怨得更多。 相关单词

complaint  n. 抱怨,诉苦,怨言;不适,疾病(委婉语) He poured out his complaints before me.  他在我面前诉苦。

The workers made a list of their complaints.  工人们列出了他们的抱怨。


· 原文再现

Then I get up, go downstairs and switch on the TV in the living room. 接着我起床,下楼,打开起居室的电视。

· 基本用法

switch  n. 开关,电门,转换器;转变,改变;  v. 转换,改变   press the on / off switch   a switch from gas to electricity   make a switch from…to…

He switched one argument for another.    他改变了他的论点,转到另一个论点上了。   They switched the train to the other track.   他们将火车转到了另一个轨道上。   He switched the lights from green to red.    他将灯从绿色转变成了红色。

· 知识拓展--相关短语

switch on 接通电流,开  = turn on

switch off 关闭,切断(电流等)= turn off    switch over 转换频道,转变

You have to switch on the computer.    你的打开电脑。

He switched TV off and went to bed.    他关上电视睡觉了。

He switched over another channel because he didn't like the program.   他换了另外一个频道,因为他不喜欢那个节目。


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