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① Thank you (very much).

② Thanks a lot.

③ Thank you for your help.

④ It's very kind / nice of you.

⑤ Many thanks.

⑥ I appreciate your help.

⑦ I can never thank you enough.

⑧ I'm extremely grateful to you.


① It's a pleasure.

② My pleasure.

③ That's OK / all right.

④ You're welcome.

⑤ Not at all.

⑥ Don't mention it.

⑦ No trouble at all (没什么).

⑧ At your service (愿为你效劳).

⑨ Think nothing of it.


1. -- Thank you ever so much for your help. -- ____.

A. Glad to hear that B. Not worth thanking

C. Think nothing of it D. You're too polite

2. -- How did you find your visit to the museum, Jane?

-- ____.

A. Oh, wonderful, indeed B. By taking a No. 3 bus

C. I went there alone

D. A classmate of mine showed me the way

3. -- ____ the articles of Times? -- I'm not sure. I glanced through them but I haven't formed an opinion yet.

A. How do you think of B. What did you like

C. How did you like D. What do you think of

4. -- Thank you very much for the meal. -- Not at all. ____.

A. I'm very glad to hear that B. I'm glad you could come

C. Make yourself at home D. With pleasure






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