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【考例】(2001上海) In fact ____ is a hard job for the police to keep order in an important football match.

A. this B. that C. there D. it

[考查目标] 形式主语。

[答案与解析]D 只有it才可以作形式主语。


1. When / While / Though / Unless / If + n. / adj. / 现在分词/过去分词……

状语从句有些成分有时可省略,一般是主语和be省略;有时it和be可以省略: He made no answer when (he is) spoken to. /Though (he was) born in Chicago, the author is most famous for his stories about New York. / Come back early if (it is) possible.

[注意]用法详见Chapter 10语法活用“省略和插入语”。

2. Not only / just…but (also) 连接相同的句子成分

Not only the teacher but all the students are going to visit the Science Museum. (连接主语时根据就近原则) / They not only sang but (also) danced for a whole night. / Many people go to see this film not just because the film is interesting, but also the leading actors and actresses are all world famous. / Not only do we learn for our country, but we'll work for her in the future. (连接句子时,not only后的句子要部分倒装)


1. The reason ____ you failed, I think, was ____ you had turned a deaf ear to your mother's advice.

A. that; because B. why; because

C. why; that D. for that; that

2. The English play ____ my students acted at the New Year's party was a great success. (2004 全国卷I)

A. for which B. at which

C. in which D. on which

3. When ____, the museum will be open to the public next year. (2002 上海春招)

A. completed B. completing

C. being completed D. to be completed

4. ____ the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement. (2003 上海)

A. The president will attend

B. The president to attend

C. The president attend

D. The president's attending

5. I don't think ____ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work. (NMET 1990)

A. this B. that C. its D. it


1. Giving opinions and Making comments 询问看法与作出评价


-- How do you find the talk given by Mr.Smith? -- ____.

A. Very well B. Excited C. Boring D. Not at an

[答案与解析]C 本题考查对事物提出看法或作出评价的用语。A、B两项词法错误,若改为Very good或Exciting,就可回答提问了。D项不合语境。此句完整为:(It's) Boring.


① How do you like / find...?

② What do you think of / about...?

③ What do you feel about...?

2. Describing sequences按次序描述事件发生的过程

Mother first did some washing and then did some cooking, ____ she had a rest.

A. finally B. in the end

C. by the end D. at last

[答案与解析] A 本题考查如何描述事情发生的顺序。finally 用于在列举一系列内容之后。要引出最后一项内容的场合;也可与at last互换,表示所盼望的事迟迟到来。in the end强调结果。有时可与口at last意义相同。


① First,.... Next,....Then.... Finally, ....例如:

First, we went to Leshan. Next, we climbed Mount Emei. Then we played with some moneys. Finally, towards evening we were on the way back to Chengdu.

② What did you do next?

3. Thanks致谢

(2002北京) -- It's been a wonderful evening, Thank you very much. -- ____.

A. My pleasure B. I'm glad to hear that

C. No, thanks D. It's OK

[答案与解析]A 本题考查英语中如何表达感谢及应答。My pleasure是回答感谢的客套话。


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