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第一节 完形填空


Is your mind completely filled with  thoughts of something? That’s called obsession (痴迷). When we think of obsession, we tend to think of the __1__ aspects of extreme  behavior. It can be unhealthy or dangerous. However, actually,“productive obsessing” can be not only a __2__ for boredom and  passivity, but also the recipe for a  __3__  life. Having a productive obsession appears to __4__ people to do this, even if things get tough. In contrast, those without passion (激情) may  end up letting challenges and difficulties __5__ them.

But there is a fine but important __6__ between obsession and passion. So how do you __7__ a passion, and avoid the negative aspects of obsession?

Whatever the project is, it should __8__ love and interest. People, who have an unexplored interest in something, but always put it off, should begin by __9__ themselves to it for a month. When people do commit themselves on something, even for a month, their brains become retrained. It __10__ hesitating and worrying and explores its own potential.

Having a productive obsession leads to various mental__11__ : pleasure when things are going very well;  __12__ when you are offended. The key is being prepared for these states and knowing how to handle them. Being obsessed with a(n) __13__ plan for years without putting it into practice is not productive.

Going after something with __14__ may not make you outstanding, but you don’t know where it will lead until you give it a try. At the very least, it could be the  __15__ to a satisfyin g and meaningful life.



1. A.scientific    B.negative

C.various    D.psychological

解析:选B。根据下文“It can be unhealthy or dangerous.”可知,谈到痴迷,人们往往会想到极端行为的消极方面。

2. A.cause       B.cure

C.stage     D.company

解析:选B。根据“However”一词可知,作者认为能动性的痴迷是有积极作用的。再根据下文“...but also the recipe for a____3____life.”可知,“productive obsessing”是治疗厌倦和被动的良方。

3. A.balanced    B.simple

C.healthy      D.fulfilling

解析:D。根据最后一段“a satisfying and meaningful life”可知,这种“痴迷”也是让人过上有满足感的生活的诀窍。

4. A.order      B.invite

C.drive      D.ask

解析:选C。根据下文“...even if things get tough.”可知,为了能够有所成就而对某事产生的痴迷,即便事情会变得困难而棘手,它仍会让人觉得有动力,好像被驱动着去努力。

5. A.defeat     B.find

C.change      D.shape


6. A.line     B.conflict

C.similarity     D.relationshi p

解析:选A。根据下文“So how do you __7__ a passion,and avoid the negative aspects of obsession?”可知,痴迷与激情还是不同的,它们中间有条细微而重要的分界线。

7. A.share     B.think

C.develop     D.exhibit


8. A.stand for    B.bring up

C.make use of   D.be rooted in

解析:选D。根据下文“who have an unexplored interest in something ”可知,无论你想做什么,它都应当源于你对这件事的兴趣与热爱。

9. A.sticking    B.devoting

C.adapting     D.attaching

解析:选B。根据下文“When people do commit themselves on something...”可知,作者认为那些对某事怀有兴趣却一直推迟、不去实践的人应当花一个月时间致力去做这件事情。

10. A.keeps     B.means

C.begins    D.stops

解析:选D。根据上文“but always put it off”及下文“...hesitating and worrying and explores its own potential.”可知,当人们坚持了一段时间专心做某事之后,就会停止犹豫和担心而开始发掘自身的潜力。

11. A.forms      B.images

C.problems      D.states

解析:选D。根据下文...“these states”可知,此处指各种精神状态。

12. A.anxiety    B.envy

C.anger      D.regret

解析:选C。根据下文“...when you are offended.”可知,当人们被冒犯时会感到气愤。

13. A.successful      B.ambitious

C.painful        D.unreasonable

解析:选B。根据下文“...plan for years without putting it into practice is not productive.”可知,一个人有雄心壮志,如果不去实行就不会有任何结果。

14. A.enthusiasm     B.courage

C.creativity       D.determination

解析:选A。根据上文“In contrast,those without passion...”可知,此处说的是:怀着激情去做事不一定会使你变得不同凡响。

15. A.answer        B.limit

C.key        D.end

解析:选C。根据上文“‘productive obsessing’can be...the recipe for a ____3____life.”可知,怀着激情做事是让人过上美满而有意义的生活的关键。


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