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许多国家在基础教育发展战略中,都把英语教育作为公民素质教育的重要组成部分,并将其摆在突出的地位。威廉希尔app 小编为大家准备了这篇2016年高一英语上学期二单元作业题



1.The ________(目标) of “Earth Hour Campaign” is to protect the environment.

2.This drink is a ________(混合物) of three different sorts.

3.Salt is a ________(物质) we use in cooking.

4.His ________(结论) certainly sounded reasonable.

5.Water can ________(溶解) salt.

6.Dangers will happen if there is no proper ________(设备) in the experiment.

7.From where I was standing, I had a(n) ________(部分的) view of the mountain scenery.

8.My mother is b________ milk.

9.We all felt a________ on hearing she was injured in an experiment.

10.Putting an acid and a metal together causes a r________.

答案:1.aim 2.mixture 3.substance 4.conclusion 5.dissolve 6.equipment 7.partial 8.boiling 9.astonished 10.reaction


A.add... to.../add to/add up/add up to

1.________ a few more names ________ the list.

2.________ all the figures and you'll find the expenses ________ 320 yuan.

3.The girls danced to the light music, which ________ our enjoyment.


1.Shall we meet at the ________ time and place?

2.He's not an officer, but a ________ soldier.

3.The doctor said the child's temperature was ________.

4.Those books rise above the ________ level.

答案:A.1.Add;to 2.Add up;add up to 3.added to

B.1.usual 2.common 3.normal 4.ordinary


aim at,add up to,keep out of,put... in order,think of,react with

1.In nature, many kinds of materials can ________ each other under certain conditions.

2.He lifted his gun and ________ the bird in the tree.

3.All the money I have ________ no more than one hundred dollars.

4.When I saw these photos, I ________ my college days.

5.Try to ________ the trouble between them.

6.Books should ________ again after you have finished reading them.

答案:1.react with 2.aimed at 3.adds up to 4.thought of 5.keep out of 6.be put in order


1.Though he is a(n) ________ actor, he performs well.

答案:ordinary ordinary强调等级和类属方面普通,在此表示该人既不显赫也不低贱。

2.Two-fifths of the money ________ (belong) my parents.

答案:belongs to 分数的表达方式为分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子大于一时,分母用复数。“分数+of+名词”作主语,谓语动词根据名词形式而定,因此用单数。

3.—Mum, the soup is a little salty.

—Try ________(add)some water to it.

答案:adding add...to...“往……中加入……”,为固定搭配。

4.To our ________(astonish), she had changed so little.

答案:astonishment 句意:令我们吃惊的是, 她几乎没怎么改变。to one's astonishment“令人吃惊的是”。

5.It's wise ________ you ________(think) twice before you make the final decision.

答案:of; to think 考查固定句型(It is+adj.+for/of sb.+to do sth.)。句意:三思之后再做出最后的决定是比较明智的。


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