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北师大版高一英语Unit1同步练习:lesson 2《relaxing》





1.I don’t want to be a workaholic,so I would try to do some sports to r________ my stress.

2.It is not an easy task to o________ the opening ceremony of the 30th Olympic Games which will be held in London in 2012.

3.The government lays s________ on welfare work.

4.The band spent six months in the s________ working on their new album.

5.She likes cartoons better than TV series.I mean she p________ cartoons to TV series.


1.Seeing the sun ________ (rise) above the surface of the sea,we let out a shout of joy.

2.—Good morning.Can I help you?

—I’d like to have this package ________ (weigh),madam.

3.Though he had often made his little sister ________(cry),but today he was made ________ (cry) by his little sister.

4.—Why did you go back to the shop?

—I left my friend ________ (wait) there.

5.An army spokesman announced that all the soldiers had been ordered ________ (issue) clear warnings before firing any shots.

6.Which machine did you have ________ (run) all that afternoon?


1.I can’t stand________with Jane in the same office.She just refuses________talking while she works.


B.to work;stopping

C.working;to stop

D.to work;to stop

2.It was dark and he had to find a house______.

A.to stay B.to stay in

C.stay in D.staying in

3.—How did you become a teacher?

—I became a teacher under________from my parents.

A.future B.pressure

C.risk D.worry

4.People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars,and this________creates further problems.

A.in short B.in case

C.in doubt D.in turn

5.________the Internet is of great help,I don’t think it’s a good idea to spend too much time on it.

A.If B.While

C.Because D.As

6.The terrible disease reduced the population ________ half its previous level.

A.in B.on

C.to D.with

7.With the rapid development of economy,most of the important cities of the world________traffic jams.

A.take place B.bring in

C.lead to D.suffer from

8.She is on a________to lose________weight.

A.food;her B.food;/

C.diet;my D.diet;/

9.On a cold day he prefers________out to play football________at home.

A.going;rather stay

B.going;to staying

C.to go;rather than staying

D.to go;rather than to stay

10.It is believed that if a book is__________,it will surely________the reader.


B.interesting;be interested

C.interested;be interesting



Several months ago,I got into a horrible car crash. That moment __1__ my view about life.

All my life I had been waiting until I could __2__ my driver’s license and my first car. When I __3__got my license and my dad brought the car to the house,I was __4__. From that day on,the most important thing in my life was that car. Every day I would get home and see what else I could do to make __5__ better. My car was my __6__ and joy and when I had fixed it up into “__7__” condition,I finally began to __8__ it. Every time I got into my car,I felt invincible (无敌的),__9__ nothing could stop me. But one day I was shown that just like every __10__ person,I could be broken.

One __11__,though it was very dark outside,I was in the car with some of my close __12__.While driving down a main street,I felt I was __13__ control of the car. It was flying.

After the accident,I don’t remember much,but I do remember the __14__ I was in,not only physical but also the thought that others’ lives were __15___my hands for a few seconds and I might have __16__ them. The memory of that day will never __17__ me. I learned a lot from that __18__. Not only did I learn that I need to __19__ more appreciation for things,I also learned that material things should __20__ be the most important in our life.

1.A.seized B.changed

C.replaced D.destroyed

2.A.borrow B.buy

C.get D.see

3.A.suddenly B.sadly

C.unfortunately D.finally

4.A.angry B.worried

C.surprised D.excited

5.A.him B.them

C.it D.myself

6.A.hobby B.food

C.example D.pride

7.A.perfect B.slow

C.terrible D.light

8.A.repair B.drive

C.like D.show

9.A.so that B.as if

C.even though D.as a result

10.A.other B.good

C.clever D.tall

11.A.morning B.afternoon

C.night D.noon

12.A.sons B.daughters

C.parents D.friends

13.A.shaking B.taking

C.trying D.losing

14.A.pain B.joy

C.disappointment D.happiness

15.A.in B.under

C.above D.before

16.A.raised B.killed

C.poisoned D.forgotten

17.A.serve B.trouble

C.scare D.leave

18.A.experience B.story

C.vacation D.rescue

19.A.exchange B.have

C.find D.expect

20.A.always B.sometimes

C.never D.hardly


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