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英语是我们除母语外又学习的第二语言,因此英语对我们来说也是非常重要的,下面威廉希尔app 为大家整理了高一英语unit2同步练习,希望大家可以通过这个练习来检验自己。

第 一 部 分    选择 题 部 分( 60分 )

I. 词语释义:根据句意,选择与划线部分意思相同或相近的解释(每小题O.5分,共10分)

1. I want to visit this famous city in the north-west of China.

A. rich        B. big                C. popular         D. well-known

2. We all like Tony because he is cheerful.

A. always happy   B. always busy        C. always helpful   D. always funny

3. We should learn to take care of ourselves.

A. look up        B. look after         C. look for         D. look over

4. I prefer to stay at home and listen to music.

A. like…better   B. hate               C. like…best       D. decide

5. My father gave up smoking at last.

A. started     B. liked              C. stopped        D. finished

6. There is a large round table in the centre of the room.

A. in the middle of B. in the front of  C. at the back of   D. on the left of

7. The child finished his homework at ten o’clock.

A. did            B. started            C. stopped          D. completed

8. I had a good time during the summer holiday.

A. enjoyed myself B. had free time      C. felt bad         D. was busy

9. Maybe it will rain later.

A. May            B. Probably           C. Possible         D. May be

10. We will go to Beijing by air.

A. by train      B. by bike            C. by the plane     D. by plane

11. They will go to see the old scientist.

A. call          B. help               C. visit            D. build

12. France is a country with a lot of beautiful places.

A. many          B. much               C. some             D. few

13. French farmers grow grapes to make excellent French wine.

A. very boring   B. very good          C. very bad         D. very common

14. Japanese cars are not the same as ours.

A. better than   B. different from     C. worse than       D. similar to

15. Tom prefers playing football to playing basketball.

A.doesn’t like…or B.likes…better than C.dislikes…better than D.likes…as

16. Why not go shopping with us this afternoon?

A. How about     B. What about         C. Why don’t you   D. Why not you

17. The new museum lies in the north of the city.

A. makes           B. is               C. begins            D. arrives

18. How about going shopping with us?

A. Why not go      B. Why don’t       C. How to go         D. What to go

19. I have many dolls in my bedroom.

A. lots of         B. a lot            C. a little          D. a few

20. The box is full of toys.

A. is far from     B. is close to      C. is filled with    D. is famous for


21. I live near the school, ________ I go to school on foot every morning.

A. but            B. or               C. because     D. so

22. China is a country ________ a long history.

A. with              B. has             C. have           D. had

23. 46. A: Who is ______ lady in a blue coat?  B: She is ______ head teacher of Class Eight.

A. a; a             B. a; the           C. the; a       D. the; the

24. A: My mother makes me ________ a lot of extra homework every weekend.

B: Oh, I am so sorry to hear that.

A. to do          B. do               C. does          D. doing

25. A: Did you go back to your hometown ________ train?

B: Yes the train station was full ________ passengers.

A. in; with         B. by; with         C. by; of         D. in; of

26. My friend Jack has an        hobby. He is        in collecting old newspapers.

A. interesting; interesting              B. interested; interested

C. interesting; interested               D. interested; interesting


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