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高中英语是中国对英语教育阶段的一个部分组成。以下是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的高一英语下册Unit4单元质量检测试题,希望可以解决您所遇到的相关问题,加油,威廉希尔app 一直陪伴您。


1.On seeing her funny­looking hairstyle, her classmates could not ________ their laughs.

A.hold        B.contain

C.overcome      D.prevent

答案与解析:B contain 可意为“容忍”,could not contain their laughs 相当于couldn't help laughing。

2.Soon after the terrible earthquake,________ was sent to the people who lost their homes from all over the world.

A.expense        B.relief

C.attention       D.sympathy

答案与解析:B relief意为“减轻痛苦的事情”,本题指“救援物品”,符合题意。

3.The headmaster has retired but no one knows who will ________ him in the post.

A.follow       B.succeed

C.remove        D.achieve

答案与解析:B succeed“继承;接任”,符合题意。follow“跟随;紧跟”;remove“免职;罢免”;achieve“取得”。

4.There's a whole crowd of people over there.Go and see what ________ and if it is good,we will buy it too.

A.is selling        B.has been selling

C.is being sold     D.has been sold

答案与解析:C 用现在进行时表示目前正在进行的动作;what与sell构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故用现在进行时的被动语态。

5.It was not until fish ________ that the villagers realized the importance of protecting the river.

A.died away       B.died off

C.died from        D.died out

答案与解析:D die out“灭绝”符合题意。die away 相当于die down,意为“渐渐消失;停下来”,其主语通常是风、声音等;die off“相继死去”;die from “死于”事故等外因,与题意不符。

6.—My flight ________.I'd better be on my way.Goodbye.

—Bye.Happy landing!

A.was announced      B.is being announced

C.has announced      D.is announced

答案与解析:B flight与动词announce 构成逻辑上的动宾关系,排除C项;由对话语境看用现在进行时表示此刻正在进行的动作,与题意相符。

7.After graduating from university,Wang Ping was ________ a secretary in a big company.

A.employed as     B.employed

C.taken for      D.regarded as

答案与解析:A be employed as...“被雇用为……”,employ多指公司长期雇用人员。

8.—My uncle suggested I ________ abroad.

—I would rather you ________ at home.

A.go; stay        B.went; stayed

C.go; stayed     D.went; stay

答案与解析:C suggest(that)sb. (should)do;would rather 后的从句中用过去时态表虚拟。

9.The driver was at ________ loss when ________ word came that he was forbidden to drive for speeding.

A.a; the      B./; /

C.the; the      D.a; /

答案与解析:D at a loss 不知所措;word当“消息”讲时不可数。

10.Now I see you want to ________ the position as you said just now.Could you please give me a brief ________ your intention?

A.apply for; account of

B.react to; introduction about

C.reply for; description of

D.remind of; instruction about

答案与解析:A apply for sth.“申请……”;account可意为“叙述;讲述;描述”,相当于description。

11.Too much smoking and drinking ________ him greatly,which meant bad living habits had an ________ on his health.

A.affect; effect     B.affected; effect

C.affected; effects    D.affect; effects

答案与解析:B affect为及物动词,因题干为过去时态,故排除A、D两项;have an effect on sth.“对某物有影响”为固定搭配。

12.The teacher got very ________ when the boy student refused to answer his question.

A.annoying     B.being annoyed

C.to be annoying    D.annoyed

答案与解析:D get此处为系动词,后接过去分词可表示状态的改变。get annoyed意为“生气”。

13.We'd like to ________ a table for five for dinner this evening.

A.preserve     B.reserve

C.relieve      D.reckon

答案与解析:B 本题考查易混词语辨析。句意:我们今晚想预订一张五个人的餐桌。reserve a table 意为“预订一张桌子”。preserve保护,维持;relieve 减轻,解除;reckon认为,评估,计算,都不符合题意。

14.The audience waited until the curtain rose and then ______ laughter at  the sight of the funny actor.

A.burst out      B.burst into

C.broke into     D.began with

答案与解析:B 本题考查短语辨析。burst into laughter=burst out laughing,意为“突然大笑起来”。

15.After the new president of the USA came to power,a new rule soon________.

A.came into being     B.came into use

C.came into the market  D.came into blossom

答案与解析:A 本题考查come into being 的用法。句意:美国的新总统上台后,一个新规则很快就出台了。come into being 形成,出台,不用被动语态。come into use 开始使用;come into the market 上市,出售,有货可供应的;come into blossom 开花,均不合题意。


I was in the fifth grade in a small town in Utah.At the start of the school year,my friends and I saw a(n)  __1__   face.It was clear from the start that the newcomer,Ruth,would not be __2__   in our social circle.

Her father lived in a neighborhood that was far from fashionable.Every day,she wore the __3__ dress and too­big blue sneakers.

There were lots of   __4__ in our school on Christmas Eve every year.Most people in town __5__   the school's Christmas programs.While other classes sang songs and performed skits,the __6__ was reserved for fifth graders.The starring roles were Mary and Joseph.One day before Christmas,my friends and I listened  __7__ as our teacher,Mr.Russon,read from his list.Finally,he said,“Joseph will be __8__ by Timothy.”

I was __9__,but at once tense again.Which of the popular girls would perform with me?

“And the __10__   of Mary goes to...Ruth.”

Ruth?As far as we knew,she hadn't __11__ tried out.If Ruth was going to be Mary,we decided,we'd make this the __12__   Christmas play ever.

__13__,Ruth had always practiced her song while the rest of us were doing__14__.Her voice cracked as she tried to get a(n) __15__.We laughed harder than ever.Our music teacher __16__  the pianist.We were the worst group of fifth­graders ever,the teacher told us.This year there would be __17__   play!

Christmas Eve arrived.Students and people crowded the hall.Finally the time  __18__   for the fifth­grade performance.To our __19__,Mr.Russon said,“One of the fifth­graders will sing a solo.”

The curtain opened,and there stood Ruth.She wore a white dress.Her face __20__ as she began to sing.A beautiful voice rang through the hall.

1.A.unchanging       B.friendly

C.serious      D.unfamiliar

2.A.protected      B.included

C.surrounded       D.blamed

3.A.formal        B.same

C.modern      D.beautiful

4.A.courses       B.songs

C.programs        D.speeches

5.A.attended      B.discussed

C.compared        D.disliked

6.A.song      B.dance

C.story      D.play


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