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高一下册英语优化训练:Unit 1 Cultural relics



英语作为最重要的信息载体之一,已成为人类生活各个领域中使用最广泛的语言。威廉希尔app 为大家推荐了高一下册英语优化训练,请大家仔细阅读,希望你喜欢。



1. Only women and children r __________in the village when the men went out to workks5uks5u.

2.The m________(镜子)and pictures of the room shone like gold.

3. The judge cares only about whether the eyewitness has given useful information, which is called e_____________.

4. Who can p ___________that Chin has more people than any other country in the world?

5. There was no d __________that the house was destroyed by the flood at that timeks5uks5u.


6. We tried to _______ his doubts and let him tell the truthks5uks5u.

A. replace                        B. review                 C. remove               D. rebuild

7. She pretended _______ me when I passed byks5uks5u.

A. not to see   B. not seeing        C. to not see         D. having not seen

8. We always ______ Jack an honest man and we ______ him as a good friend of oursks5uks5u.

A. look upon; consider        B. regard; consider

C. consider; regard          D. look on; regard

9._________ than a century ago ________ of the things we’re doing now were thought of impossibleks5uks5u.

A. Less; many      B. More; much       C. Fewer; few       D. Longer; more 10. The paper _____ bamboo is made is especially fineks5uks5u.

A. which       B. into which        C. of which    D. from which 三、填空

at war   belong to    in return    in search of   make into    look into   .to tell the truth      considered (as)       think highly of        agree with

11.  They start off at once _________________________the lost boyks5uks5u.

12.   _____________________, I broke the beautiful vaseks5uks5u.

13.  Do you think they will _________________what I said? I am eager to know itks5uks5u.

14.  A working party has been set up and  __________________the problem soonks5uks5u.

15.  The boy’s father ___________________the man who saved his son from the lakeks5uks5u.

16.  Mr. Smith _____________________________the best English teacher in our schoolks5uks5u.

17.  Those countries have been __________________for a long time. People there suffered a lotks5uks5u.

18.  I work hard _____________________for those who care for me, help me and love meks5uks5u.

19.  The bottle can ____________________whatever shape you like.ks5uks5u.

20.   China is a developing country which ___________________the third worldks5uks5u.


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