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高中高一英语上学期期末复习题:Travel journal



英语的母语使用者数量位居世界第三,以下是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的高中高一英语上学期期末复习题,希望可以解决您所遇到的相关问题,加油,威廉希尔app 一直陪伴您。

一  根据首字母或中文提示或根据句意, 给出适当的单词

1. The doctor reads the J____________(杂志) of Medical Science.

2. I am d_____________(决心) to do better than Mike.

3. You aren't wearing p__________(合适的) clothes for this hot weather.

4. We all i_____________(坚持) that we not rest until we finish the work.

5. He won’t follow your advice. He is s__________.

6. First he always said no to the plan, but f__________ he had to give in.

7. This is not a new word. We are quite f__________ with it.

8. The doctor keeps a r__________ of all the serious illnesses in the village.

9. He is afraid of nothing because he is very _________.

10. He tried to _______ me to give it up, but I wouldn’t listen to me.


1. Journal 2.determined 3. proper 4. insist 5. stubborn 6. finally 7. familiar 8. record

9. brave 10. persuade


1.下决心______________________    2.梦想做某事______________________

3.惦念______________________  4.迫不及待地做______________________

5.坚持做______________________ 6.像往常一样______________________

7.改变主意______________________ 8.坚定的眼神______________________




make up one’s mind    2.dream about doing   3.care about   4.can hardly wait to do  5.insist on doing  6.as usual  7. change one’s mind 8. a determined look

三 翻译下列句子: 翻译下列句子。

1.自从大学毕业之后,我就一直在这里工作。(ever since, graduate from)


2.一旦那个固执的男人决定要做什么,他就不会改变主意。(be determined to, change one’s mind)






5.他们昨天是在会议中心举行的会议。(It is…..that)




1. I have been working here ever since I graduated from university.

2. Once Tom is determined to do something, he will not change his mind.

3. He is so stubborn that no one can persuade him.

4. She prefers speaking the truth to lying.

5. It was in the meeting center that they held the meeting yesterday.

6. He insisted that we should stay in his home for the weekend.


你怎样去北京? _______________________________________________________

下午你要去接谁? _____________________________________________________

他们几点钟到那儿? ___________________________________________________

四 单项选择

1. It is brave ______ you to tell the manager what you think of him.

A. for      B. to     C. of     D. with

2. He ___________ his being sent abroad.

A. insisted     B. insisted on     C. insists      D. insisted that

3. He insisted that all the work ________ within a week.

A. must be     B. be finished     C. should finish     D. would be finished

4. Try to _________ him to let us go with him.

A. manage      B. persuade     C. suggest      D. allow

5. —I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her.

—              .It was her fault.

A.No way       B.Not possible C.No chance    D.Not at all

6. Thanks to the____ efforts of the police, hardly any accident has happened in the past few days.

A. determining      B. deciding    C. determined    D. decided

7. —Only say to me “Stay”, and I’ll _______ the journey.

—    I ________ to you.

A. give up; give up     B. give up; give in   C. give in; give in   D. give in; give up

8. He wondered whether it would be ______ to knock at the door of her room.

A. well     B. good manner     C. proper    D. suit

9. What attitude should we take ______ the matter?

A. for   B. to     C. in     D. on

10. There is no time for us to _________. I must leave. Let’s make it next time.

A. go into details     B. speak in short   C. say goodbye    D. have words with each other

11. My father has done a lot of reading and writing ______ the year.

A. over   B. for      C. at   D. on

12.  — When are you _____ your next exams?

—Next month.

A. making   B. taking     C. holding   D. getting

13. The book-store _____ open until 8 at night every day.

A. stays   B. starts   C. becomes   D. turns

14. My parents always let me have my own ______ of life.

A. way   B. method    C. manner   D. fashion

15. Tom tried to make his parents _____ by making faces.

A. pleased   B. pleasing    C. please   D. to please

16. — What made you so upset?

—_____ my house _____ saying goodbye.

A. Jim left; without       B. Jim’s leaving; instead of

C. That Jim left; without   D. Jim leaving; instead of

17.  Please give my _____ to your teachers.

A. regards   B. loves   C. best wish   D. hope

18.  There are forty five students in our class, and they are _____ interested in football.?

A. most   B. almost   C. nearly   D. mostly

19. The Browns held _____ they called"family day"once each year.?

A. that   B. what     C. which   D. when

20.  —Why not go out for a walk before breakfast?

—Oh,yes. _________ is my favorite time of day.

A. In the early morning     B. Early morning

C. The early of morning    D. The early morning that

21.______late in the morning, Bob turned off the alarm.

A. To sleep       B. Sleeping       C. Sleep     D. Having slept

22. —Happy birthday, Mary.


A. The same to you.     B. Happy birthday.      C. How do you know that?     D. Really?

23. I have a better way ______ the maths problem.

A. to working out    B. of working out    C. working out      D. work out

24. What ______it is to have a swim in summer!

A. fun    B. a fun    C. funny    D. the fun

25. Neither of them knows the difference ___the two and neither can we tell one __ the other.

A. between; from    B. among; between   C. between; between   D. among; from


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