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英语高一级期末考试练习:English around the world





1.________(实际上), it was based more on German than current English.

2.At his________(请求), we delayed our performance.

3.It cleared up________(逐渐地).

4.I can________(辨认出)you according to your voice.

5.He went________(直接)to school after breakfast.

6.I know he came from the south by his a________.

7.The i________of the killer is still unknown.

8.It is known that reading extensively can increase one's v______.

9.Judging from his accent, he is a n________of Beijing.

10.Can you explain the u________of the word to me, please?


1.Some of the students in my class work hard at all the subjects.

________ ________ ________ ________in my class work hard at all the subjects.

2.When the birds in the tree heard the gunshot, they flew in all directions.

When the birds in the tree heard the gunshot, they flew________ ________ ________.

3.She suggested our going to the park this weekend.

She suggested that we________ ________to the park this weekend.

4.Many people watched the opening ceremony of the 11th National Games on TV.

________ ________ ________people watched the opening ceremony of the 11th National Games on TV.

5.The two cars are of the same size, but are of different colors.

The two cars are of the same size, but are different________ ________.


1.—Did you get________part that you tried out for in the play?

—No, someone else got it, but I got________better part.

A.the; a B.the; the C.a; the D.a; a

2.Only one student passed the exam,________John.

A.such as B.especially C.namely D.equally

3.Many questions________in today's maths class, which was more than the new teacher had expected.

A.came up B.raised C.rose D.was come up

4.Experts warn that global warming will cause dramatic climate changes including more________floods, heat waves and droughts.

A.frequent B.usual C.ordinary D.common

5.Good use________the natural resources to improve people's life in this area.

A.has been made of B.has made of C.has made D.has been made

6.David said that it was________his strong interest in literature that he chose the course.

A.in spite of B.because of C.because D.instead of

7.—How can we go to the island twenty miles off the coast, sir?

—I'm afraid you can't get there________by boat.

A.more than B.rather than C.other than D.better than

8.The professor can hardly find sufficient grounds______his argument in favor of the theory.

A.which to base on B.on which to base C.to base on which D.which to be based

9.It was raining hard. Little Tom felt cold, so he stood______to his mother.

A.close B.closely C.closed D.nearly

10.Have you realized the part the computer has________in the daily life?

A.made B.given C.caused D.played

11.He commanded that all the gates________to search for the spy.

A.should shut B.would be shut C.shut D.be shut

12.I won't give you any help________you tell me the truth.It's none of my business.

A.unless B.since C.as if D.even if

13.He seems to be a learned man.________, he knows nothing at all.

A.Indeed B.Surely C.Truly D.Actually

14.Though I hadn't seen John for five years or so, I________his voice as soon as I picked up my phone.

A.recognized B.knew C.realized D.discovered


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