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高一年级英语期末考试复习题:Nelson Mandela a modern hero





1.He is determined to ________(献身) his life to science.

2.She divided the food into four ________(相等的) shares.

3.He is an ________(活跃的)member of the school's stamp club.

4.His sister ran away from home and went abroad because of family ________(暴力).

5.This kind of washing powder is of good ________(质量), and doesn't harm our hands.

6.The boss was ________(抨击) by the newspapers for not caring for the workers.

7.—Do you know when the People's Republic of China was ________(成立)?

—On October 1, 1949.

8.Yesterday we ________(选举) Mr. Li the best teacher in our school.

9.They are ________(慷慨的) although they are poor.

10.Your teacher can give you ________(指导) on choosing a career and writing a job application.

答案:1.devote 2.equal 3.active 4.violence 5.quality

6.attacked 7.founded 8.voted 9.generous 10.guidance


1.Be sure to  ________ the tyres before you drive off.

2.______________________, I don't agree with you.

3.The public has the right to  ________ the president.

4.He was ________ when the factory closed, so he had to find another job.

5.We depend on our friends when we are ________.

6.One thousand grams are ________ one kilogram.

7.I had to ________ my teacher for help.

8.They ________ all their hours ________ working in their lab.

答案:1.blow up 2.As a matter of fact 3.vote for 4.out of work 5.in trouble 6.equal to 7.turn to 8.devote;to


1.The suits are ________ and are worth ________.

A.of good quality; to buy B.good quality; to buy

C.of good quality; buying  D.good quality; buying

答案:C 考查非谓语动词和固定搭配。句意:西服质量很好,值得购买。of good quality“质量好”;worth doing sth.“值得做某事”。

2.(2014•金华高一检测)—Why did you vote for Maggie?

—Because she is very ________. She always shares things with others.

A.practical B.active

C.generous  D.energetic

答案:C 考查形容词。句意:——你为什么投票支持玛吉?——因为她非常慷慨。她总是和他人分享东西。practical“明智的”;active“积极的”;generous“慷慨的”;energetic“精力充沛的”。

3.The students need to be able to read ________ and thoughtfully instead of accepting whatever they are taught passively.

A.actively B.hopefully

C.energetically  D.effectively

答案:A 考查副词。句意:学生们需要(具备)积极和认真思考的阅读能力,而不是被动地接受教给他们的东西。actively“积极地”;hopefully“希望地”;energetically“精力充沛地”;effectively“有效地”。

4.The teacher has devoted all his spare time ________ his students with English during the past few years.

A.to helping B.to help

C.help  D.helping

答案:A 考查非谓语动词。句意:在过去的几年里,这位老师用他所有的闲暇时间帮助学生学英语。devote... to...“致力于,奉献于,用于”,to为介词,后面要跟名词或动名词。

5.(2013•安徽,32)________ in the early 20th  century, the school keeps on inspiring children's love of art.

A.To found   B.Founding

C.Founded     D.Having founded

答案:C 本题考查非谓语动词。句意:建立于20世纪早期,这所学校一直激发着孩子们对艺术的热爱。此处为非谓语动词作状语,与句子的主语school之间为被动关系,故用过去分词形式。

6.Sun Yat­sen ________ the first Republic in China in 1911 after  many years' fights.

A.voted B.educated

C.attacked  D.founded

答案:D 考查动词词义辨析。句意:经过多年的斗争,孙中山先生于1911年在中国建立了第一个共和国。vote“投票”;educate“教育”;attack“攻击”;found“建立”。

7.He doubted whether she would be ________ to the task.

A.equal B.similar

C.familiar  D.content

答案:A 考查形容词词义辨析和搭配。句意:他怀疑她是否胜任这项任务。be equal to sth.“胜任某事”,符合句意。similar“相似的”;familiar“熟悉的”;content “满意的,满足的”。be familiar to意为“为……所熟悉”,主语往往是物。be content with“对……满意”。故选A。

8.—I suppose you haven't finished that report yet.

—I finished it yesterday, ________.

A.in this way B.as far as I know

C.as a matter of fact  D.in a word

答案:C 考查固定搭配。句意:——我想你还没有完成那个报告。——事实上,我昨天完成了。in this way“以这种方法”;as far as I know“据我所知”;as a matter of fact“事实上”;in a word“总之,简而言之”。

9.In the dark street, he had no one to ________ for help.

A.turn up B.turn around

C.turn to  D.turn down


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