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英语学科高一级unit2同步复习题:English around the world



英语是联合国的工作语言之一。以下是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的英语学科高一级unit2同步复习题,希望可以解决您所遇到的相关问题,加油,威廉希尔app 一直陪伴您。


1.________(事实上), China may have the largest number of English learners.

2.The little boy is just starting to talk; he has a________(词汇量)of about ten words.

3.Tom told me that he couldn't speak Chinese very______(流利地).

4.Only time will tell whether Chinese English will develop its own________(特色).

5.The options were History and Geography. I chose the________(后者).

6.We________(逐渐地)get used to getting up early on winter mornings.


1.Actually 译文:事实上,中国可能是学英语人数最多的国家。

2.vocabulary 译文:那个小孩刚开始说话,他只有大约十个词的词汇量。

3.fluently 译文:汤姆告诉我他的汉语说得不流利。

4.identity 译文:中式英语会不会形成自己的特色,只有时间来回答了。

5.latter 译文:可以选择历史和地理。我选择了后者。

6.gradually 译文:我们逐渐习惯了在冬天的早上早起。


1.__________________________, the fish in the river disappeared.


2.The view of Hukou Waterfall on Yellow River is so spectacular that it attracts lots of tourists to ______________________________________.


3.Use should __________________________ to learn more knowledge.


4.The news was entirely ________ facts, so it was convincing.


5.________________________, you will still miss the train.


6.During their visit to that country, they ________________ natives there happily.


答案:1.Because of the river being polluted/Because the river was polluted

2.come up to admire it carefully

3.be made of every minute

4.based on

5.Even if you take a taxi

6.communicated with


1.She will take a long sea ________ next month to Britain to get further education.

A.trip          B.travel

C.tour  D.voyage

答案:D 考查近义词辨析。句意:下个月她将进行一次海上长途旅行去英国深造。travel通常是长途的、长时间的旅行;trip常指短途旅行;tour指为了公务、娱乐或教育参观多处名胜的旅行;voyage航海旅行。

2.(2014•长沙高一检测) Many students believe the choice of their universities should ________ their own interest.

A.be based on B.base on

C.be basing on  D.base at

答案:A 句意:很多学生认为他们对于大学的选择应该以他们自己的兴趣为基础。base...on...意为“以……为基础;以……为根据”。由句意可知,应用被动形式即be based on。

3.The rescuers tried their best to help those tourists who were trapped ________ the snowstorm.

A.because B.because of

C.since  D.as

答案:B 句意:救援者尽力帮助那些由于暴风雪被困的游客。because,since和as表示“因为”,都是连词,后面应跟句子;而because of后不接句子,应接名词、代词或动名词。

4.As soon as the result of the trial(审判) ________, it attracted people's attention.

A.comes up B.was come up

C.came up  D.had been come up

答案:C 考查come up的用法。句意:审判结果一提出就引起了人们的注意。as soon as表示主从句的动作同时发生,由主句的时态可知应排除A、D两项;come up作“提及;提出”解时,是不及物动词短语,没有被动语态。

5.They are enjoying the film Love Ladder based on a true love story ________; please wait for a minute.

A.at present B.in present

C.for present  D.with present

答案:A 考查present的相关短语。句意:现在他们正在欣赏一部基于一个真实的爱情故事的电影《爱的阶梯》;请等一等。at present“目前,现在”,与句意相符。

6.(2014•泰安高一检测) I know Jane and Mary are good  friends; the former's ________ is a teacher and ________ is a nurse.

A.body; the latter's B.work; the last

C.identity; the latter  D.job; the latest's

答案:C 句意:我知道简和玛丽是好朋友,前者的身份是老师,后者的身份是护士。the former...,the latter...“前者……,后者……”;identity“身份”。由句意可知,C项符合题意。

7.They are so busy that they have no time to do any sports, ________ they need to do so.

A.wherever B.whenever

C.even if  D.as if

答案:C 考查连词的用法。根据语境可知,“他们需要这样做”和“他们没有时间”之间为转折关系。故用even if “即使”引导让步状语从句。

8.(2014•温州高一检测)Ten minutes has been made full ________ of ________ the problem.

A.using; studying B.use; to study

C.to use; to study  D.use; studying

答案:B 考查make full use of的被动形式。句意:已经充分利用了十分钟的时间来研究这个问题。题干还原成主动语态后应为:...have/has made full use of ten minutes to study the problem.

9.Many great men rose from poor backgrounds—Lincoln and  Edison, ________.

A.instead B.for example

C.and so on  D.such as

答案:B 选项A不合题意,首先排除。若原文Lincoln后的and改为逗号,则选项C也可入选。such as虽然意为“例如”,后面可列举人或事物,但不能放在句尾,也被排除。for example“例如”,后面可举例说明,其位置很灵活,可放在句首、句中或句尾,通常其前后须加逗号。


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