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许多国家在基础教育发展战略中,都把英语教育作为公民素质教育的重要组成部分,并将其摆在突出的地位。威廉希尔app 为大家推荐了高一英语上学期单项选择同步练习题精选,希望大家练习。

1. A friend ____need is _____ friend indeed .

A. in , / B. for , a C. in , a D. for , the

___2. You like music , _____ I like reading .

A. when B. while C. as D. though

___3. He sent me an E-mail _____ to get further information .

A. hoped B. hoping C. to hope D. hope

___4. I live in a room ____ window opens to the south .

A. which B. of which C. its D. whose

___5. How did the accident _____ ?

A. come up B. come in C. come to D. come about

___6. We all will write _____, even there is not much to say .

A. now and then B. by and by C. step by step D. more or less

___7. ----Could I use the towel ? ---________.

A. Why not ? of course B. It's right

C. Never mind D. Yes , I mean no

___8. ---I think I'll have coffee for a change .

----_______ . The coffee and sugar are in the cupboard .

A. Coffee would be better B. Change it , please

C. So do I D. Help yourself

___9. China has ____ more U.S dollars this year than last year .

A. brought up B. brought out C. brought in D. brought

___10. _____ the fire while I am out .

A. See to B. Make sure C. Look after D. Be careful

___11. People in America speak the same language _____ the British do .

A. like B. what C. as D. which

___12.--- How often do you visit your aunt ? ---________.

A. Every three week B. Every third weeks C. Every three weeks D. Each third week

___13. Three students in ten will go hiking and ___ to go rafting .

A. the rest are B. the rest is C. the other are D. the other is

___14. How long did the trip from here to your home ____ you ?

A. spend B. pay C. take D. need

___15. All the preparations for the travel _____ , and we're ready to start .

A. completed B. complete C. has been completed D. have been completed

___ 16. --- Why were you so late ? -- I had a hard time ___ here this morning .

A . hike B. hiked C. hiking D. to hike

___17. --- Hey , Look where you are going ! --- Oh , I'm terribly sorry _____ .

A. I'm not noticing B. I wasn't noticing

C. I haven't noticed D. I don't notice

___18. Can you tell me the name of the lake ___you visited last week ?

A. what B. where C. which D. when

___19. How do you find the film ? _________ .

A. Right B. Enough C. Difficult D. Terrible

___20. He is a good teacher with___ and he has _____ .

A. enough experience , many interesting experiences

B. many experience , good experiences

C. experiences , experienced D. many experiences , much experiences

___21. My father ____ smoke heavily , but now he doesn't smoke any more .

A. use to B. was used to C. used to D. was used

___22. The old couple ____ for fifty years .

A. got married B. has been married C. marry D. have been married

___23. The terrible noise ______ a frightening roar .

A. grew up B. grew to C. grown to D. grew by

___24. Can you feel the earth ______ now ?

A. shake B. shook C. shaking D. to shake

___25. Beijing is the city ____ has got the chance to host the 2008 Olympic Games .

A. who B. what C. which D. where

___26. He sat in the hall , ___ to the speaker attentively .

A. listen B. hear C. listening D. listened

___27. It is very kind ____you ____the old lady cross the road .

A. to , to help B. of , to help C. for , helping D. of , helping

___28. The final time ___ we'll say good-bye to each other is coming .

A. that B. which C. when D. where

___29. What a pity . My new computer doesn't work . ____must be something wrong with it . A. This B. There C. It D. That

___30. The vegetables didn't taste very good . They _____ too long .

A. were cooked B. cooked C. had cooked D. had been cooked

___31. _______ , your composition is full of mistakes .

A. Written carelessly B. Writing carelessly

C. Having written carelessly D. Being written carelessly

___32. It won't be long _____ he finishes his task .

A. until B. after C. before D. when

___33. There are ____ of dark clouds in the sky .

A. masses B. a mass C. mass D. much mass

___34. The guerrillas (游击队员)camped in the open and _____ wild plants .

A. lived with B. lived in C. lived on D. have lived on

___35. I _____ first place in the competition .

A. beat B. defeat C. have won D. won

___36. Before liberation many people could not _____ to go to school .

A. afford B. offer C. pay D. able

___37. I was singing songs _____ walking home .

A. as B. when C. at D. while

___38. I don't know the man _____ she refers .

A. who B. to whom C. whom D. to who

___39. It was Xiao Min who ______ the discussion .

A. have started B. has started C. had started D. had begun

___40.Can you easily make yourself _______ in English .

A. understand B. understood C. to understand D. being understood

___41. Mr Ware is _______ teacher _____ we all like him .

A. such a good , that B. such good a , that

C. so good , that D. so a good , that

___42. He has been playing all afternoon ____ on with his work .

A. instead to get B. instead of get C. instead of getting D. instead getting

___43. After _____ to the hospital , the boy was operated on at once .

A. carried B. carrying C. to carry D. being carried

___44. I didn't manage to do it _____ you had explained how .

A. unless B. until C. when D. before

___45. China is a developing country _____ we all know .

A. as B. for C. since D. because

___46. In the ___ war between America and Iraq many people were _____ hurt.

A. terrible , terribly B. terrible, terrible C. terribly, terribly D. terribly, terrible

___47. One should apologize ______ his taking the wrong glass at the party .

A. to B. on C. for D. of

___48. Westerners prefer ____ forks and knives instead of chopsticks .

A. use B. using C. have D. having

___49. When drinking ____ someone's health , you ____ your glasses .

A. to , rise B. for , rise C. to , raise D. for , raise

___50. ---How about some more apples? --- OK . I want ____ .It's delicious .

A. the second one B. ones C. the one D. a second one

___51. How do you like the fish ? It _____ very delicious .

A. is tasting B. tasted C. tastes D. is tasted

___52. Word came _____ he had expected for a long time .

A. that B. what C. when D. where

___53. The host provided the guest _____ delicious food .

A. for B. to C. with D. of

___54. So many table manners make me ______

A. surprise B. to surprise C. to be surprised D. surprised

___55. You may take ________ you need .

A. all what B. that C. all that D. which

___56. French is also ____ useful language with ___ long history .

A. an , a B. the , a C. a , a D. an , the

___57. --- Who was in the classroom ? --- _______ .

A. None B. No one C. Nothing D. No body

___58. --- How did you find your hiking to Mountain Tai ?

--- I thoroughly enjoyed it . It was ___ than I expected .

A. far more interesting B. even much interesting

C. so more interesting D. a lot much interesting

___59. He said he wouldn't mind ____ at home .

A. leaving alone B. being left alone C. to be left lonely D. to leave alone

___60. The living standard of the people in China ____ since 1986.

A. has raised B. had been risen C. has risen D. rose

___61. Spring has _____ , and flowers are ______ .

A. come , coming out B. come , coming to

C. come to, coming out D. come about , coming around

___62. I really don't know ____ I had my money stolen .

A. when was it that B. that it was that

C. where it was that D. it was where that

___63. He is always full of ____ as if he never knows tiredness .

A. strength B. force C. spirit D. energy

___64. The teacher , ____ help we have succeeded in carrying out the experiment is leaving for Beijing .

A. with whom B. under whom C. with whose D. under whose

___65. --- Do you have to leave ? -- Sorry , but I really ______ .

A. have B. had to C. should D. must

___66. The bottle will be sent into ___ space .

A. a B. the C. / D. an

___67. You can _____ five things that ______ Chinese culture .

A. choose , stands for B. choose , represents

C. select , stands for D. select , represent

___68. People's dream of saving our earth will ______ .

A. come true B. become true C. come truly D. become truly

___69. We should do _____ we can ______ the cultural sites .

A. what , protect B. what , to protect C. that , to protect D. all what , to protect

___70. You can't imagine ____ boy can do _____ work .

A. so little , so much B. such little , such much

C. so little a , such much D. such a little , so much


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